I volunteered to help Modern Atlanta 10 and got back much more than I gave. The tour featured 14 houses. Here are my thumbnail memories of the 11 I was able to tour. The
Painted House has many pictures here and
The exterior is abstract expressionist. The interior is warm with surprise pastel walls. The tall screened porch to the right is uncannily cozy and comfortable.

The curved stair in space is the most memorable thing on the tour for me. I think it was the most humanizing feature I saw. Folks driving by can enjoy it too.

A difficult house in every way; it fights the odds, innovation in every square foot. Out these windows to the "diving board" is the most extraordinary space experience on the tour.

This one is overloaded with startling, even humorous architectural vignettes. Funky steps slice through the hall with a huge door behind.

Living is a glass house can feel comfortable and what views. The bathroom/laundry bump-out creates 3 delightful service rooms. Corner windows...

A rancher with the warmest wood. A cabin in a hidden Atlanta neighborhood.

The biggest house demonstrated that well designed big spaces can make humans feel good. I stood at the corner of this room for hours. I felt better and better. I like the "old fashioned" light floors. Dark floors are the style these days.

Old house, sleek interiors, bodacious decor, smiles and human scaled comfort in every direction.

The diva house out glamored the people and the over the top furnishings. The red glass chandelier did catch the eye.

The outside didn't hint at the wide open spaces inside. A gallery house.

My favorite space on the tour was a tiny dining porch amidst truly huge spaces in this house. Of course my daughters make any house look great.

Looking forward to next year. You too?