The Atlanta Contemporary's long running "Art Party" fundraiser was on August 29.
Notch8 Gallery's second exhibition ever was on September 11. (You really have to be on Facebook to follow art around here.)
You probably haven't been to either: Great spaces all done up for shows. So...
I did a Terry's Tiny Art Show Video for each. I love they way they play together with 500 year old polyphony and modern ambient.
They play one after the other. You can just listen while you are doing email.

Great Space! Bravo Sharon Dennehy.
Terry's Tiny Tips for Art Shows.
1. Just go. They really appreciate your interest.
2. Don't try to "get" anything.
3. Enjoy the people. Most don't "get it" any better than you. Talk to them. Most are just as shy as you are.
4. Galleries have their own regulars who only see each other at shows. They are the ones talking in groups, nice folks who will know the answers to your questions, who can point out the artists.
5. Admire the craftsmanship even if you don't enjoy the art.
6. Look at everything 3 times. It's not always love at first sight. Imagine them in your place.
7. Be grateful if you find something you like or affects you.
8. Terry's special tip: Don't hog the artists. Help them meet everybody.

This one by Josh Feigert "got me" from across the room. I haven't the slightest idea why. I could totally imagine this at my house. I wonder if I'd like it as much the second time.
Your results may vary.