I'll get to Terry's Tiny Critique in a minute because I want to show you the Warhorse Cafe. Most of you have never seen it and some of you never heard of The Goat Farm Arts Center.
On Tuesday night Daniel Fuller - Atlanta Contemporary, Laura Relyea - ArtsATL, Karen Head - Atlanta Review, and Chuck Reese - Bitter Southerner talked art criticism, music criticism, literary criticism, food criticism, and criticism criticism thanks to Tanz Farm.
They are nice. They are feisty. They can be nice and feisty - the way they were Tuesday night bless their hearts. These folks put ideas into words. We are fortunate to have them.

The Warhorse Cafe is the Goat Farm's living room.

It's funky and flexible and multipurpose. It's got sofas and lamps, art and tchotchkes AND an indoor bathroom. Here's Jordan Stubbs who I joined in the outdoor SRO section.

I'm not so good at sitting quietly.

Daniel Fuller - Atlanta Contemporary is in the black shirt right hand to ear. Chuck Reese - Bitter Southerner is in the orange "T" giving the secret palms-down-crooked-finger-splay gesture.

Karen Head - Atlanta Review has right hand to chin and red boots (cool). Laura Relyea - ArtsATL has her Heineken in hand. Atlanta's artists and art fans fill the room.

Joe Dreher and AJ Robinson joined Jordan and me outside. Nice to meet you AJ.

The view from one of the dirtiest windows in town.
Finally, Terry's Tiny Critique:
I'd enjoy another kind of culture meeting. I want our art experts to talk mostly about art, to do it regularly, to be a bit ritualistic, a bit less open-ended. I want to get to know the art as we get to know the experts and the community.
Thanks so much. It's a pleasure to be here.