Bartow is still stuck in my head.
It looked like somebody has just "picked up" you know what I mean? When guests were coming over, my mom would tell everybody to pick up and she'd come in behind us to straighten up. Your mom too I'm sure.
And though downtown Bartow was mostly empty and closed, it felt clean and comfortable and it felt like somebody cared about it.
We encountered three landmarks right off: the water-tower, the Johnson-Josey-Jordan House, and the caboose.
The water tower is right smack in town and there were people in there on this late Monday afternoon.
The tower was enough for me but we when we turned our heads to the right, there was a perfect house in a perfect yard.

It's the
Magnolia Mornings Bed and Breakfast in the 1860 Johnson-Josey-Jordan House. I think Sherman went right by here. If you want to stay here for the Masters, Augusta National is about 60 miles away.
Patsy Jordan (R.I.P.) ran it. She must have made sure everyone in town picked up.
"(Patsy Jordan) Museum founder and bed and breakfast operator the heart and soul of Bartow, Ga." - Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Magnolia Mornings isn't the only pretty house in Bartow. This is almost next door.

And there's the caboose. Looks like the old depot is now the
Bartow Museum. I'm pretty sure Patsy had her hand in this.
A good time to look at the map.
Downtown has a "green" with the depot at the north end. It feels like the two commercial strips reach out to embrace you. If this was a county seat, there'd be a beautiful if intimidating courthouse there, a landmark that blocked the view.

The former business side of the depot looks good, a shady spot to await the train.

This the Railroad Avenue strip, it's empty but not quite abandoned.

It's baseball cap is pulled down low over the eyes.

1900 in marble between rusticated bands with a hint of acanthus leaves. I'm embarrassed that I didn't get out of the car a peek inside.

Noble cornice, triumphal triple arches and recessed double doors with transom, worth all the TLC it can get.

High style anchors the north end of the strip.

I wish we had one of these in my neighborhood.
We would have stayed longer but we were were trying to reach Sparta before dark.
See more of
Bartow at Brian Brown's "Vanishing South Georgia."