Atlanta is small enough that it's not a chore to do new things if you can find out about them. And there is so much to do. The best part is the people, there's just no stopping them.
If you follow and, you'll be in the know. Use email, websites, Twitter, FaceBook, or all them. That's what I do.
Here is a mini field guide to some ArtATL folks. Get out there in introduce yourself; tell them Terry sent you.

I worked with Cathy Fox (right) on my review and what a pleasure. She's executive director, editor, and chief art critic at She knows stuff and knows how to put it into words. Here she is picking up the 2013 Creative Loafing readers picks award for Best Local Arts Website.
It fun spotting Atlanta's arts writers. Here is Andrew Alexander at the gloATL performance at the Rhodes Theater. Andrew writes about theater, dance and art.
Mark Gresham is an Atlanta composer who writes about music for ArtsATL. Here's Mark at Tim Whitehead's piano recital at the restored and acoustically renovated Druid Hills Presbyterian Church.
Faith McClure writes about visual arts. She's an artist, curator, and more, working in the Visual Arts Department and Gallery at Emory. Here she is with Louis Corrigan at a gloATL performance in the pool at Maddox Park.
Jerry Cullum goes nearly everywhere, writes nearly everything. Tip for spotting Jerry in the wild: Find a crowd of ladies and Jerry will usually be in the center. Here he is at whitespace with Mimi Hart Silver.
Ed Hall is a literature guy who goes nearly everywhere. Right now he curates the ArtATL to-do list. Here's Ed with Maggie Ginestra and Rachel Herrick when "Something In Particular" spilled out of the Telephone Factory onto the BeltLine. Tip for spotting Ed in the wild: See "Jerry Cullum" above.
Happy New Year.