No dinosaurs were injured during our extended family outing to Fernbank on Sunday.
But some funny-bones were tickled.
What happened Monday? I don't remember. but Tuesday...
Architecture Tourist "The Next Generation" all play coed soccer on Tuesday nights at Silverback Park. Team Bottoms Up faced Team Tenacious D who had a real ringer: Abe.
The chicken played keeper. It wasn't pretty but it was funny.
Wednesday featured a double dip at the Georgia Tech College of Architecture. Georgia Tech offers many free lectures by international design talent sometimes on the very same day in the very same place at the very same time.
I encountered Maya Design unexpectedly. I was waiting for the professorial lecture and noticed students rushing upstairs to the Stubbins Design Studio. I followed and barged right in. I am, after all, looking a bit professorial these days.
The left goatee is Mickey McManus, president, the right goatee is founder Joe Bailey. They had a love-in, be-in, design-in, human factors-in in their own kiva.
Within minutes I had notes for a blog post on a subject I'd never considered. I offered to shine shows and clean toilets at Maya.
Then the professorial lecture: Georgia Tech had just named Dan Immergluck Professor of of City and Regional Planning and that is a big deal. For the occasion Professor Immergluck gave a lecture for all comers.
The lecture title came from Jean-Paul Sartre's grim play. What do academics have to say about housing trends? The room was full of students, practicing planners and developers who wanted to find out. They asked questions.
On Thursday something completely different:
The Southeast chapter of the Institute for Classical Architecture and Art (ICAA) met at the ADAC showroom of Ainsworth Noah.
It was mostly a party in a beautiful showroom. We met for a few minutes. July Talley deftly introduced the ICAA to newcomers. By the way: the Shutze Awards submission deadline is November 28, 2011.
Friday was for opening receptions at Emily Amy Gallery and Kai Lin Art.
Emily Amy showed new work by Cecil Touchon. He does collages, many from billboard waste. I like this one a lot.
The black and yellow too.
Emily dug through the file of Cecil's smaller work.
I love hovering over the flat file.
Then to Kai Lin Art for the opening of SNAP.
Kai Lin Art just moved from Midtown to Buckhead, almost next door to the Roxy.
This is Yu-Kai Lin himself. He remembers my name, bless his heart.
Karen Divine.
The Dorn Brothers, Travis and Nate.
Rob Simmons.
Greg Noblin on the left.
Patrick Heagney.
Rob, Nate, Patrick and Travis were in that "artist reception" mood if you know what I mean.
By Patrick Heagney.
Busy week.