Man sided windows.
I drive by twice a week It's big church south of the Dekalb Courthouse. I like it better up close than at a distance. It's more chunky than delicate. The second "layer" of the steeple is a Buck Crook trademark, a temple by itself.
They've been repairing water damage since spring. See "Classical rot managment in Decatur. Where does the water want to go?"
This week they did windows, 3 big and one small.
The new windows look modern from the backside, the inward facing side.
Looks like stick-on muntins. You can see old trim parts on the left.
Workaday steeplejacking.
Let's have a cheer for modern lifts.
I was too busy to watch for long and anyway it makes me a bit woozy. The men worked safely but my brain imagined falling.
They were done in a day.
It's a good look.
Looks good!