I've wanted to blog Michael for the last five years because...

Michael Kleeman is the J. Neel Reid Prize winner for 2002 and I'm trying to blog all the prize winners.

Because this is the kind of work Neel Reid Prize winners can do. Hat tip to the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation who awards this prize and to author William R. Mitchell whose book, J. Need Reid Architect helps fund the prize.
The application deadline for the 2017 Neel Reid Prize is February 10, 2017.
Italicized text is from Michael's prize application.

Sansovino’s Logetta, Venice

Sansovino’s Library and Logetta, Venice
"Venice to study the work of Sansovino
Vincenza to study the work of Palladio
Verona to study the rok of Sanmicheli
Mantua to study the work of Romano
Florence to study the work of Vasari and Ammanati
Rome to study the work of Vignola and da Sangallo the Younger"

Basilica, Venice
"I hope to complete my research of Sebastiano Serlio through first hand recording of the works of his contemporaries throughout Italy."

Palazzo Porto, Vicenza, Italy

Villa Rotunda.
"The conferenacse that I attend and present at, the classes that I instruct currently at Georgia Tech...lead to my goal of becoming a professorof architectural history and promoting that field within the schools of architecture."

Palazzo Te

Palazzo del Te or Palazzo Te is a palace in the suburbs of Mantua, Italy. It is a fine example of the mannerist style of architecture, the acknowledged masterpiece of Giulio Romano.
"I remember...seeing only one slide of some buildings folowed by research in textbooks showing the same view again."

The Palazzo degli Uffizi (Uffizi Palace) was built between 1560 and 1580 to house the administration of the government of grand duke Cosimo I de' Medici. The elegant building was designed by the duke's favorite architect, Giorgio Vasari,

Palazzo Pandolfin

Palazzo Pitti.

"By allowing me to gain a first hand understanding I take a step coloser to bringing that information back though my sketches, photographs, notes. and memories. "
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