I'm sure you know. 461 North Highland rewards every time so I'm giving it a shout out.
We don't have many of these. We don't produce this kind of extravagance anymore not even in our most bodacious new mansions.

It's probably my favorite building on North Highland. It's tucked into a little curve where Conquitt T-bones Highland.
It's the northern most and fanciest of a fine little apartment block, tax records say they were built in 1915.

The developers knew to make 461 a tiny bit fancier than its neighbors because it's a terminated vista. It catches our eye as we approach.

From the north we can just see the arch in the folliage. Mental Note: Keep trimming those trees a little.

It's actually the second arch, the one up Colquitt.

From the south we get a peek of a top porch window. This is so appealing to me, like a street front lookout tower, a crows nest. How's the view from up there? Was it always enclosed?

See? The view is better when the leaves are off.
Let's look around.

This is what motivated the blog. Seeing the backside.
I went to Scott's house for dinner last week. Not sure if he noticed: I said hello and bolted to his deck to see this view. The 461 street-side is so elegant. The back side so full of life. This vignette says Brooklyn more than Atlanta and I've never even been to Brooklyn.
Some details:

Little porch down there.


Lot's more.

It's two buildings stuck together though property records show only the 461 address. I don't know of there is passageway between them. The back building must have been 1037 Colquitt.

Can we call this triple porches?

Fresh sign.

The new address sign is the only thing that seems dated.

It rewards every time. I hope you'll have a look in person. Here are all my pictures of 461 N. Highland.