
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Arks of Barks from Barry Gregg Clayworks

Jeff (remember Jeff's Shutters?) needed a birthday present for the wife and invited me to tag along to Barry Gregg Clayworks. Lucky me.

Barry and Parker, his 3-legged dog, greeted us. I can't believe I didn't get a picture of Parker, the inspiration for Barry's happy bark ark period. Here's an ark.

Bark sticks.

Moma and baby dogs.

Salty dogs and peppery dogs.

Barry shows and sells all over the southeast. His work will catch your eye in a gallery or show and make you smile. This is from Mudfire more than a year ago, my first encounter with Barry's work.

Plenty of birds in the bark arks.

Barry's yard is a menagerie of totems.

Barry also models humans and rabbits when he's of a mind to.

Here is the whole "3 Dog Night"

Jeff on the left with Barry on the right bringing home Stef's ark of barks.

Thanks to Jeff for the invitation. Thanks to Barry Gregg for the work. Thanks to Ms. Parker the 3-legged dog for the inspiration.

terry @

Sunday, April 25, 2010

They've painted the tear-down BUT..

I'm participating in Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch. Thanks to Susan!

Remember? Do you have an opinion on the paint colors?

Remember the tests? Even in person the eye plays tricks. You can't really know from tests.

The paint is up now. My pictures can't capture the color. The sun, the shade, the clouds, the time of day change everything.

It's coolish in some light. Less contrast between wall and trim than I expected. I'm happy with the contrast.

The panel sections are darker than the trim. They are knockouts!

This is the northeast corner, nearly always in the shade. The stone faces north. The walls have a greenish tinge in this light.

In overcast skys it's another color altogether and doesn't seem to pick up the stone.

The colors fade to shades of gray at twilight. The shades matter just as much. There must be some color theory about dusk.

So what is the BUT?

They've chosen another color and will repaint the walls.

Lighter, darker, warmer, cooler ??????

I'll let you know.


Thanks to Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Omar Richardson's Woodcuts at Wm Turner Gallery

Omar Richardson at Wm Turner Gallery on Krog Street. Stop in to escape the rain at the Inman Park Festival.

It's a spacious, comfortable gallery at the Stoveworks across from Rathbun's. It has an elevated office, skylight. It can handle some very large pieces.


David Wm Turner (in the yellow coat) explained that there were a lot of David Turners and a lot of William Turners so the "Wm" was kind of a search engine trick from before there were search engines.


Omar also overlaid woodcuts over photographs.

I was dazzled by the details.

Thanks to David Wm Tuner (left) and Omar Richardson (center), your host on the right.

terry @


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What are these 2 Atlanta plants?

A vine with yellow and red flowers, and plant with thorny leaves, blue berries, and a few bright red leaves.

These two survive on a steep Georgia hillside next to my house. English Ivy, Poison Ivy, and Kudzu share the space. In the spring they surprise us.

The vine is a doll.


The bush is just weird. It has thorny leaves and blue berries.

But it's these red leaves that catch the eye.

They grow on this bank. I doubt anyone planted them.

Thanks for your help.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Teardown get it's paint and a new teardown tease

They've painted it. I don't quite have time to show you. But I like this detail in black and white.

More later,

Another nearby re-do made a lot of progress in one week:


Saturday, April 17, 2010

We want to live in this playhouse

I teased you a bit last week with half a picture from Buckhead in Bloom tour 2010. How could an entrance be any better than this? I can't show you; but what's inside feels just as good.

It's a smallish house, up a hill, in the woods. This is the backside, the angle encloses a little patio. I hope you can imagine those big beautiful windows from the inside and the French doors open for a party.


If you click here, you'll get a nearly full screen view.

The street-side view doesn't reveal it's secrets. I had no idea.

This was built as playhouse for one of the great Buckhead estates.

We'd be happy to live in this playhouse, the smallest house on the tour.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shutze house is "Full of Stars"

Star window, shutter dogs, pineapple, copper roof, beads, Greek key, curved door: The more I look the more I enjoy Philip T. Shutze.

I'd don't have any interior photos but I'll make one comment: I felt great inside and I understood the floorplan; it made perfect sense to me.

It's for sale, kind of expensive.
"The Thornton- Jones House (1936) on West Paces Ferry Road Shutze’s inspiration for this home was from the late 18th and 19th century English and American neoclassical forms which he updated with his own personal interpretation. The front of the house was designed in the English Regency style and the rear is in the American Federal style."
West Paces Ferry Road is so impressive it's hard to notice this house at 35 mph. It just seems to fit on the large lot. It's beautiful but quiet, relatively modest, not overwhelming.

It's on a corner lot, the driveway on the left. Walking up reveals bigness. How many cars will the courtyard hold?

I didn't notice the stars at all until I saw my first one in the gravel. That's a big star!

From the gravel we head to the front door to see the next star and we begin to notice details. I think Shutze's front entrances are his trademark. They are very grand yet scaled to make humans feel important. Looking closer we see that the screen door is curved, the main door is curved, the windows, even the window glass is curved. Check the window trim on the first floor "6 over 9" windows. High style runs very deep.

More star motif.

Even little porches get the Shutze treatment with square corner columns, ionic capitals, crisp brackets some of them in pairs.

Here is a high style screened porch.

By the time we see all this I'm close to overload. This house, very quiet from streetside is loaded and as I moved about, discover that it's big. Great proportions though.

From the street you can't see the gable ends, the curved parapets, the stepped parapets, the double chimneys, or the breathtaking niches with beads.

May I mention the beaded niches yet again?

There is a new wing. Not everyone liked it. Certainly the main house is a hard act to follow. But the exteriors of the addition were very good, echoing, complimenting, and framing the old part and enclosing the garden.

This is the front side the addition, the laundry is above the garage door. This is nice.

The side street view of the addition doesn't screem but it has reminders of the main house: eyebrows with vertical mullions, 6 over 9 windows, quoins, "x" windows, and shutters. The the almost curved projection reminds me of the main entrance.

The inside face of the wing, it's porches and windows have a great view. I like this one through the new wing's arches. Above me is the col0nnaded porch for the master bedroom.

More later.