
Sunday, April 25, 2010

They've painted the tear-down BUT..

I'm participating in Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch. Thanks to Susan!

Remember? Do you have an opinion on the paint colors?

Remember the tests? Even in person the eye plays tricks. You can't really know from tests.

The paint is up now. My pictures can't capture the color. The sun, the shade, the clouds, the time of day change everything.

It's coolish in some light. Less contrast between wall and trim than I expected. I'm happy with the contrast.

The panel sections are darker than the trim. They are knockouts!

This is the northeast corner, nearly always in the shade. The stone faces north. The walls have a greenish tinge in this light.

In overcast skys it's another color altogether and doesn't seem to pick up the stone.

The colors fade to shades of gray at twilight. The shades matter just as much. There must be some color theory about dusk.

So what is the BUT?

They've chosen another color and will repaint the walls.

Lighter, darker, warmer, cooler ??????

I'll let you know.


Thanks to Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch.


  1. What is going to be painted out is not unattractive and from your photos lived quite happily with the stone. I'm not a lover of this kind of so-called stacked stone, a veneer only, but the paint color helped. Look forward to the new color choice - Georgia Clay Red, do you think? Let's hope not.

  2. I guess they couldn't take all that variation...! They should probably select a color that has yellow undertones rather than the green.

  3. My pictures just can't show it. I wish for their sake (and their cash) they'd got what they wanted the first time. But I'm happy that they are willing to try again.

  4. Wow. Repainting is expensive. I think I'd just try to live with having it almost right and aim to do better next time. It is going to look different, depending on the season of the year, too.

    By the way, the house looks pretty good. I'm with Blue, in that I don't care for the veneer stone. Think it would have been just fine without it.

    Can't wait to see the next episode.

  5. Need to see the stone in person.

  6. Looks great in all but the last few pictures. Too bad they're having to repaint.Dropping by from BNOTP.


  7. What a gorgeous house! Oh my!

    m ^..^

  8. kudos to them for shelling it out to get it happens more often than not that colors aren't quite right the first time! I've had to make the "I don't think it's quite right" call more than once!

  9. I feel for them big time. But it's to be expected. There are a million ways to do it right but a trillion ways to do it wrong. There are so many details yet to come: the front door, the railings, the landscaping, even the gutters.

    What I learned from our own experience is that color pros do it better but even they test, and even they change their minds once they see it.

  10. I know really expensive paintover!! It is really what you love and then try to see in in the different lights of the day and dusk.

    Art by Karena

  11. Looks fine like it is to me. Can't wait to see the new color.

  12. First reaction? Too bland! I really like the color on the panels that you pointed out. I'm so hoping the color is richer to make the stonework pop out! Hopefully, they'll pick the color that was placed on the panels.

    Susan S

  13. One of the things I figured out about a paint color was to find a house that approximated mine to see how it looked. The next thing I figured out was to focus on what I wanted to happen. Light color gives a larger look, dark color and smaller look, make the stone front more prominent, accentuate certain architectural detail. And the last thing was to look at the adjoining houses and chose a color so that my house fit in with the tone of the ones on either side.

    One of distinct drawbacks to repainting is that when your new paint starts to come off, in however many years that takes, the under color will show.

    No way in hell would I repaint.

    Good luck though. Ann

  14. I think it looks great! I can't believe they want to repaint it.


  15. You tricked me, that was a surprise ending.
    Now I am on the edge of my seat wondering what color they are going to use.

  16. I thought the color was too boring when I saw it - seemed a little creamy and not exciting! Hopefully the new color will be better.

  17. Looking forward to seeing the new color. You just never know until you get the whole thing painted how it's going to come together. I painted my house white - but wanted it to be true white but not chalky. No glare. I got lucky with my first try - Snowbound, SW 7004, by Sherwin Williams is a wonderful white. I used it on my ceilings also.

  18. forgot to say - that I hope the new color is warmer to blend with the stone better. The current color is too cool.

  19. "Too cool" is, I think, the problem.

  20. It's not at all out of line with recent builds here. This is the size you have to build in the neighborhood these days. Banks have checklists.
