
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Prominent and Challenging Corner Tear-down is Complete and I Like It

They say that challenges and constraints motivate designers - in this case Harrison Design. Does that make it harder or easier? "I think maybe it's both." - Forrest Gump

It was a high bar. It's a across the street from an Ivey And Crook, a block from two more "Crooks" and a long block to Philip Shutze's Dwoskin House.

It's a difficult elevated corner, book-end'ed with a fine diagonally sited Italianate on the other corner. It's a small lot so there's no hiding and you can see all four sides from the street.

And of course it has to meet the lenders' size/amenity checklists for the neighborhood demographic.

This wasn't easy.

The old house was built 1948, 2,572 square feet, an infill I think, most neighboring houses are pre-Depression.

It was low slung up in the ivy and shade. You'd notice the lot rather than the house.

From the street.

The back showed some details.

It tumbled down the hill. This is how the architect solved the problem.

It eventually disappeared into the setting. Some folks like them like that.

But it's hard to build the 4,500+ square feet the market requires and disappear into the landscape.

Instead of hiding it they built a landmark in stylistic harmony with it's neighbors.

Some folks say it's too big.  But at 4,289 square feet it's smaller than neighboring tear-downs on smaller lots which often exceed 6000 square feet on 1/5 acre.

This doesn't look easy to me.

But diagonals are cool and the "L" shaped front and "U" shaped back presented opportunities for "Pattern 107 - Wings of Light."

It's a landmark and I like it.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Bodacious Backyard Burning: The Stove Party at the Commuter Gallery

Until last night I had no idea. But if Chris knows you, do what he says.

It would have been way easier to stay home and watch TV and I'd cleaned the gutters and was sore, and I'd eaten too much spaghetti, and whine, whine, whine ... but Chris said, "This will blow your mind. 25th edition of the Stove Party, this place is magic."

This is a backyard near Toco Hills. Understatement: Clark Ashton is an artist, musician, stove builder, proprietor of a sculpture garden, and thrower of bodcious parties.

IMG_4850 2014-11-22 The Stove Party at The Commuter Gallery by Clark Ashton
So I had my picture taken with the steel cycling skeleton.

IMG_4864 2014-11-22 The Stove Party at The Commuter Gallery by Clark Ashton
Because even though I was there, I just couldn't believe this place. There's this tower with two stoves as you enter the back yard.

IMG_4846 2014-11-22 The Stove Party at The Commuter Gallery by Clark Ashton
Folks milled around among sculptures and stoves from hot spot to hot spot.

IMG_4841 2014-11-22 The Stove Party at The Commuter Gallery by Clark Ashton Macon teacher Joe Finkelstein 
Even those not smiling were in a good mood. I met Mr. Finkelstein (the teacher) from Macon and many others.

20141122_222653 2014-11-22 The Stove Party at The Commuter Gallery by Clark Ashton
Of course there was a bluegrass band in the workshop.

IMG_4858 2014-11-22 The Stove Party at The Commuter Gallery by Clark Ashton
And a rock 'n' roll band in the rock 'n' roll room.

IMG_4842 2014-11-22 The Stove Party at The Commuter Gallery by Clark Ashton
And there were sculptures everywhere.

IMG_4840 2014-11-22 The Stove Party at The Commuter Gallery by Clark Ashton
There was no bad place to be.

IMG_4844 2014-11-22 The Stove Party at The Commuter Gallery by Clark Ashton
You could always find a warm place and a warmhearted person.

IMG_4860 2014-11-22 The Stove Party at The Commuter Gallery by Clark Ashton
Statues and shadows and steeples.

IMG_4863 2014-11-22 The Stove Party at The Commuter Gallery by Clark Ashton
They dialed a few stoves to "11."

IMG_4862 2014-11-22 The Stove Party at The Commuter Gallery by Clark Ashton
I had no idea.

Thanks Chris.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Tue - Hustwit | Wed - Allen | Thu - Brewer | 3 Great Nights for Atlanta's City Lovers November 18-19-20

I'll be at all three. I hope you'll be there too. Please say hello.

1. Tuesday Nov. 18:  Screening of "Urbanized"  Free at Georgia Tech, free parking in bottom lot of Peters Park.
Overwhelming urban challenges with a bit of hope.
DATE: Tuesday November 18, 2014, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
LOCATION: Reinsch-Pierce Auditorium, 123 East Architecture, 245 4th St. NW, Atlanta, GA

It's a movie, a documentary, I've seen it twice, maybe three times.

"Following up on "Helvetica" and "Objectified", "Urbanized" is the conclusion of director Gary Hustwit's design documentary trilogy. The film features footage of contemporary cities around the globe and interviews about the issues they are facing with over 30 urban designers, architects, planners, elected officials, artists, and social activists including Rem Koolhaas, Sir Norman Foster, Enrique Penalosa, Jan Gehl, Candy Chang and, Georgia Tech's Ellen Dunham-Jones (filmed in Hinman!)"

2. Wednesday November 19: School of Architecture Lecture Series: Martha Schwartz, Douglas C. Allen Lecture Free at Georgia Tech, free parking in bottom lot of Peters Park.
Find out how lectures on landscape architecture can blow your mind.
DATE: Wednesday November 19, 2014, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
LOCATION: College of Architecture Reinsch-Pierce Auditorium

These lectures are in honor of Doug.

"Douglas C. Allen, beloved professor, visionary landscape architect, and valued board member of Places Journal, died on October 26, 2014, from brain cancer."

"Martha Schwartz is a landscape architect and artist with major interests in cities, communities and the urban landscape. Her work spans from site-specific art installations to working with cities at strategic planning levels. Her focus is on environmental sustainability and the creation of awareness about how the urban landscapes underwrites urban sustainability through functioning as the connective platform for a city’s environmental, social and economic health. Schwartz is an advocate for how cities can help to reduce climate change and support a more sustainable approach to diminishing resources."

3. Thursday November 20:  Charles Brewer at the Atlanta CNU's Thirsty Third Thursday (T3) Free at Steel Restaurant.
What if you could build a town from scratch?
DATE: Thursday November 20, 2014, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: Steel Restaurant & Lounge 950 W Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30309

T3's are informal with some free snacks. It's easy to meet and talk with the speakers and guests. Make sure you do.

Charles Brewer, the founder of Las Catalinas, and Bill Tunnell of Atlanta-based TSW, which has been providing master planning and detailed design for the community for over 8 years, will present its story. Las Catalinas has been influenced by the New Urbanist movement and the pedestrian hill towns of the old world. The compact town, with its initial phase approaching completion, when ultimately built out will be surrounded by 1,000 acres of conserved tropical dry forest."

Monday, November 10, 2014

Road Trip 18: Sparta Georgia a Ruin that Lives and Haunts

Every few minutes a pole truck rounded Veterans Park on Highway 16 passing the ruin of Hancock County Courthouse.

Even at dusk under the dull overcast sky the courthouse was a fine ruin. The August 11 fire was a blow but Sparta still stands.

20140929_184451 2014-09-29 Sparta Georgia Hancock County Courthouse ruin Drive Home from Hilton Head
I'm not a believer in ghosts yet Sparta haunts me. The empty houses had more to tell that I could bear.

20140929_182548 2014-09-29 Drive Home from Hilton Head Sparta Georgia
There's a six block commercial district but not much commerce.

20140929_183817 2014-09-29  Hon W H Burwell House Sparta Georgia o Drive Home from Hilton Head Sparta Georgia
This town had it's heyday before the boll weevil. And what a heyday.

IMG_3022 2014-09-29 Sparta Georgia
Now many of it's mansions are for sale.

20140929_183949 2014-09-29 Drive Home from Hilton Head Sparta Georgia
Even the "little" houses stood proud.

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They really know how to do porches.

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This seemed to be waiting for its fire.

IMG_3025 2014-09-29 Sparta Georgia
East Adams Street.

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Graves Barn.

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These amazing houses left us wondering about everything.

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Do they have a future?

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This one is tidy for now.

20140929_185056  2014-09-29 Sparta Georgia
This one not.

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Elegant but not tidy. Is this one wasting away?

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This porch has a tilt.

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Fresh paint.

IMG_3034 2014-09-29 Sparta Georgia
Fresh porch.

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There seemed to be another one around every corner.

IMG_3036 2014-09-29 Sparta Georgia
And another one.

IMG_3037  2014-09-29 Sparta Georgia
This one wasn't like the others. I spoke with the guy in the yard. "It's a house and it's for sale if you want to buy it."

20140929_185927  2014-09-29 Sparta Georgia
We were snooping among the ruins. In the city, in Detroit they'd call this ghetto tourism.

20140929_190039 2014-09-29 Sparta Georgia Drive Home from Hilton Head
Doomed on Maiden Lane?

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The side of "Doomed" on Maiden Lane.

IMG_3040 2014-09-29 Sparta Georgia

20140929_184107 2014-09-29 Hancock County Courthouse ruin Sparta Georgia Hancock County Courthouse ruin Drive Home from Hilton Head
Every few minutes we caught the smell of pine rosin as a pole truck roared by the courthouse.