
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Atlanta's best drive-through view?

This is the view from the Bank of America drive-window at the Emory University.

It's Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church. To me it's the most pleasing Philip Shutze public building. It also serves as Emory's largest auditorium and it contains Shutze's "Little Chapel" (more in post script).

I don't mind the teller line when I can peruse the proportions and details.

When the leaves fall I get a better view.


It's been home to many graduations, church services, concerts, weddings, and funerals. I think it's the centerpiece of Druid Hills and the standout building at Emory.

What a pleasure to see this uplifting and humane building while waiting for the teller or for the light to change, or eating pizza at Everybody's.


P.S. Folks just don't know about the little chapel. From the Glenn website:
"The chapel is almost an exact replica, on a smaller scale, of the interior of St. Stephen Walbrook, an Anglican church in London that is considered to be one of Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpieces."


  1. Gorgeous. Never knew who designed it! Please tell me you've been to a Mummer's performance there at least one holiday season???

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  2. I have yet to visit the building. I know it from driving by it, of course, but have never been in. Something for the new year, I think. Happy Christmas, Terry, to you and your wife.

  3. I had no idea that was there!! I love Shutze. Also, amazing photography!! Don't you love the clouds in a winter sky?

  4. Any amazing photography on my part is a welcome accident.

    If you can visit, find the little chapel. It's in the southeast corner of the education building. You just won't believe it.

  5. After reading that title, I was CERTAIN you would have a photo from the Varsity looking across the connector to the Tech campus!

    Emory is a beautiful campus.


  6. Well, Ms. Post, the "V" is a truly great place for Tech and city views. I am a serious V lover. I watched the first Space Shuttle landing at the V, along with about 1000 other people.

  7. I love the detail in this building, it almost makes me want to go to BoA...on second thought, I'll have the pizza.
    Thanks for posting this

  8. The Little Chapel - what a wonderful place! I went to the link and saw just a picture of it, but it intrigues me. I wonder if it is open to the public?

    Thank you for posting about this! I might make the trek over the Decatur to see it for myself.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. My children went to preschool there. All kinds of church and Emory activities take place in the education building. One day while there for some reason, I just went in the door to the Little Chapel. I had no idea, no idea.

    We're going to the Carlos Museum on the 26th. If were up to it, we'll try the Cannon Chapel and the Little Chapel.

  11. Hmmm. I did not know of the LIttle Chapel either. Must check this out. the building is gorgeous though... I could see becoming distracted while in line over this one. Ahhh my love for Shutze continues.

  12. I'm the senior pastor at Glenn Memorial. I was googling for a photo of another campus site and came across this web page. The Little Chapel is an architectural jewel. It's open almost every day of the year from early morning until mid-evening. It's located in the Church School Building behind the sanctuary, which is a magnificent building in its own right. Consider yourself welcome at Glenn. If you have questions I can answer, feel free to email me at David Jones

  13. The Little Chapel bears more than a passing resemblance to the Hodges Chapel in the Beeson Divinity School bldg at my alma mater of Samford University, here in Bham. I have no doubt that Neil Davis, the architect for the chapel, did his due dilligence and studied some Wren just as Shutze did.

    Love Emory's campus, thanks for sharing these images.

  14. Wow Doug, look at those dudes in the dome:

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