
Friday, December 18, 2009

White and Pointy - 80 years apart

I'm participating in Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch. Thanks to Susan! Not a nice metamorphosis now, but let's hope these come back.

This new house - a teardown - by Atlanta architect Bradley E. Heppner - takes my breath away.
It's a 2009 Morningside interpretation of something older. But isn't everything? In any case I love the pointy shapes, the simplicity, the interesting roof, the straightforward windows. I think it will be on magazine covers.


So here is a 1929'er in Druid Hills. I've been driving by it forever, always enjoying the simple white shapes. Would you keep the white windows or go for a more metal look?

The new one is a bit stark in the picture, it hasn't weathered in yet, the driveway too new. In person, it's striking but not so stark. Can you imagine white windows?

My field guide to American homes says that English houses have a door emphasis, French ones a roof emphasis. I include the door surround for Things That Inspire's post about a "carved" doorway.

Compare to the neighboring house. I've been watching it since before the teardown. Every day has been interesting. Exterior walls are concrete block with hard coat stucco.

The more I look, the more I learn, the deeper I look, the more I like.


P.S. What I particularly appreciate about architects and builders: Their work is forever in public and can't come in out of the rain.

That can mean gutter rocket science.

Thanks to Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch.


  1. Beautiful! I wonder if the inside is as interesting? There's no other way, I suppose, of disposing of rainwater from a roof than downspouts but surely they could have been less utilitarian than this. However, as I said, it is a beautiful house, abstract and almost Mondriaanesque.

  2. Blue, at night I can get a tiny peak in the window from the street. Tough to tell, but I suspect the place is "the total package." The downspouts in the picture are not on the feature side of the house.

  3. Hi,
    That house is awesome. A little bit modern, a little bit traditional, a little bit European and a lot of beautiful. The 1929'er is a beauty too but I think I would opt for darker mullions. I think darker mullions would give it more character.

    Have a great weekend! -Cristi

  4. I love those downspouts.

    For the older house, I kind of like the lighter mullions. Gives it kind of a faded look.

  5. Downspouts are such a problem or at least for me they are a problem.

    In our last home we had to put a gutter right next to the back door which looked awful not to mention the constant ice in the winter. We finally redirected the water but the downspout still looked awful.

  6. Terry, We are the owners of the new house, our architect, Brad Heppner forwarded your blog address to us. If you come by when we're around, you can take a deeper look, the back is the best part of the house, and we love the interior.

    David and Mia

  7. David and Mia, That is very kind. I'm not worthy but I'll be there after Christmas. If you could send me an, I'll try to make it as convenient as possible.

  8. Wow - the power of a blog, to literally open doors for you! I can't wait to hear the report on the interiors.

    I felt privileged to see pictures of this house a few weeks ago, and love this comparison between old and new. We are so fortunate to have so much wonderful and inspirational architecture in Atlanta.

    I recently saw a James Means renovation that did not have downspouts - the house was designed or perhaps renovated so that the water dripped into a brick area that had a drain in the middle. It was an elegant solution.

  9. This is a fabulous post. It is wonderful to see architects and owners who are building new homes that fit into the genre of the original homes in older neighborhoods. I live in an older neighborhood and trust me, it is so appreciated! Terry, thanks for sharing this interesting perspective. Always enjoy my visits here.
    Happy Holidays! ~ Sarah

  10. Oh my goodness, Terry! What an invitation! Love your perspective on the house and hope we may take a slight tour at least with you. How gracious, David and Mia! :-)
