
Thursday, May 26, 2011

North Avenue School (1929) Hentz, Adler and Shutze in Hapeville

Two Shutze's in Hapeville? Who knew? Both are modest compared to their downtown and Buckhead cousins. Neither are in original condition but both are still in service. I've already blogged Hapeville's First Methodist Church.

Here is North Avenue School in Hapeville, Georgia.

The original windows didn't survive 80 years on a school board's budget.

Still looks like a school though. The 3-part plan, chunky quoins, blind arches, and comfortable sheltering doorways have that "Shutze" look.



What did it look like in it's heyday? Get a hanky ready and have a look at a 1954 picture from the Kenan Research Center at the Atlanta History Center.

Original or not, I'd still be happy go to work though this door.

The kids now go to Hapeville Elementary School on North Fulton. It's pretty handsome too. The old school soldiers on and I think that's a good thing.

Here is the business end. These sturdy school houses take a beating yet they continue to perform.

North Avenue School is part of Cofield Park, a modest neighborhood with impossibly quiet green streets.

If you've got the notion to take the slow route back from the airport give me a call and I'll help you plan a route.

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The little blonde El Nazareno Presbyterian Church, formerly Hapeville Presbyterian, is an unexpected delight. It's just south the school on Whitney Avenue.


  1. Nostalgic Former TeacherMay 31, 2011 at 9:09 PM

    When I first started teaching at North Avenue School in 1971, the old windows were still in the auditorium. They were beautiful!! The auditorium still has original light fixtures--except for one that was broken during inside P.E.

    It was such a great school even without air conditioning! My classrooms were in the basement and the windows were always getting broken from the lawnmower. I got to know the county glass men really well! We also had these great old wooden chairs for reading group. Came back one year and they had been replaced with plastic ones. I was so sad.

    When you have time, you shoud go inside and see the museum. The building still smells like the cleaner they used for the beautiful old hardwood floors.

  2. I went to school in 1971 here. I remember the sound of someone walking down the halls on the hardwood floors.
