
Monday, April 25, 2011

Bunny Cake Boss

Architecture Tourists love bunnies and cake and Easter and family and springtime in Atlanta. So we revived an ancient tradition here at North American HQ.

We summoned our in-house Bunny Cake Boss and 2 of our senior architecture tourist bunny consultants and cake counselors.

I guess y'all want to skip to the last page to see how it all come out. Easter dinner on the porch: stewed chicken, dumplings, mashed potatoes (we were heavy on the white food group), deviled eggs, green beans, salad, with snarky but loving conversation.

How and Why We Did It
Considering the world crises of poorly sliced layers, improperly dyed coconut, and misplaced jellybeans, and misaligned twizzlers, our executive board, by secret ballot, agreed to reveal how to make a proper bunny cake.


Recipe? We don' need no stinkin' recipe.

But y'all might. Click here to see the whole show.

I confess we were a little rusty. There were some close calls.

Here's a preview of the bunny ear positioning tutorial.

Our vast experience helped avert a semi-sweet chocolate morsel adhesion emergency.

It was close call but the Bunny Cake Boss made it look easy.

Our experts chimed in on the cosmetics.

Our Bunny Cake Boss has limited openings for the 2012 season (by appointment only) Substantial deposit required.


The menfolk roared their appreciation.


Now the team is in training for flag cake season.



  1. Hello:
    It is nearly midnight here in Hungary and we are still up, absolutely enthralled by, with and to the Bunny Cake performances. We have now watched each video twice over but realise that the only way to make our own Bunny Cake is to enrol on one of your Bunny Cake Making courses.

    We also note, somewhat sadly, that with all good things, and a Bunny Cake is no exception here, that it takes hours in the preparation, and seconds in consumption. Yum, yum!!

    We have had such fun watching this. Thank you all so much.

  2. The bunny cake served gallantly for less than 6 hours and smiled throughout. That deserves our highest praise.

  3. Love a bunny cake! A good friend of my mom's always made a bunny cake at Easter. Great memories.

  4. I am so inspired! Your Bunny Cake Boss is a true genius.

  5. Terry, you are truly an inspiration. The Bunny cake is the most beautiful I have seen Bravo to the Bunny Team!

    Art by Karena

    Send your friends and...Come and enter my very Fashionable Giveaway from the French Basketeer!
