
Friday, April 22, 2011

3 Hapeville Victorians and meeting Al Dellinger

My little tour of the Hapeville Historic District started with the two churches. I continued with a fortuitous street meeting with floral designer Al Dellinger, then a B&B's jaunty weather-vane, and a finally chapel on the move.

Hapeville was a street car suburb, site of Georgia Baptist Children's Home from 1899 to 1968. It's south edge was consumed by the world's busiest airport and a Ford Assembly Plant. Somehow it retains it's small town character, including an active main street.

Look at this sidewalk on a tiny side street. I don't know of another like this in Atlanta. It's just one house wide and seems like a park.

Two columns, no, three, wow.

Good grief, there is a house in this garden.

I noticed a man walking his dog. I'm sure he noticed me looking out of place and bearing a camera. I asked if he knew anything about the house. He said, "It's mine," and invited me in.

That's how I met Al Dellinger who with partner Tim Thomas own 2000 A.D Inc. "Concepts in Floral Art." Al's a transplant from Midtown who thinks Hapeville is a bargain that will attract folks who now enjoy Atlanta's intown "South of Buckhead" neighborhoods.

I was overwhelmed by the hospitality and the house. It's circa 1895, nearly demolished, sold at one time for $5000, a bit ghost-y too.

It's as if I'd discovered a long lost temple in the jungle. Indeed I had, and a friendly guide to boot.

Al said the the "new" porch replaced a lot of gingerbread.

Inside? I'll just show you a little glass.



This is the garden from the foyer.

Next up is Maison LaVigne, Hapville's "Gourmet Bed & Breakfast" just a few steps from the Hapeville Depot.

Folks MUST be pretty good at keeping secrets.

Did everybody have know about this place except me?

I don't think this is all original equipment from 1920.


I swooned over the sideyard, that blue, the chunky window lentils, shutters, flower-boxes, curvy fence and rustic furniture.

Finally, Hapeville's Historic Christ Church (c. 1895) has just finished it's second move.

It's now a terminal vista for 19/41 South. It's the perfect complement for an old Chevy.

It arrived here in July 2010. I think they've nearly completed upgrades in it's new location. I'm looking forward to seeing the inside.


  1. Hello:
    We have found this absolutely fascinating and full of interest, particularly as you are writing and photographing a part of the world completely unknown to us [as is the entire United States].

    Al and Tim's columns, especially the pair, are wonderful and very covetable. We wonder where they came from originally and what date may be put on them? Inside the stained glass appears to be late C19 [although we could be totally wrong] and we assume is contemporary with the house.

    Maison La Vigne appears a little too perfectly restored for us, but again that may not be the case.

    The Christ Church has clearly, from what you say, been moved. We wonder from where, and for what reason? It works well in its new situation as a focal point to close the street.

  2. Terry, I think you are correct in suspecting that Maison La Vigne is a craftsman bungalow that has been gingerbreaded.

  3. Al said the columns were a sidewalk find, the sort of thing we all search the sidewalks for. I think Christ Church was in the way of airport related road construction. They moved in next to the railroad depot where it suffered from vibration. It should wear better where it is now.

    Hapeville is a workaday place full of modest family homes. Landlocked in a triangle between I-75, I-85 and the airport. Nonetheless there are a few gems and a sense of place and community that don't feel like Atlanta.

  4. Great tour today Terry! Can't imagine the maintenance those gardens must demand! Wow!

  5. Al told me he just can resist.
