
Monday, August 30, 2010

35 Galleries in 12 hours Part 6 of 6: Decatur & Inman Park

This was the Atlanta Gallery Association Art Sun-up to Sundown – Citywide Art Walk Saturday, August 21, 2010 10 am – 10 pm. So far:
I was ahead of schedule and in the gallery groove but I was a little tired. Time to bring it home, Decatur and Inman Park.

Rose Squared Gallery and Framing was closed at 7:17p when I took this picture.

The 3 gallerias "On the Square" in Decatur were busy.

Worthmore Jewelers had the space, customers, and the interest so they became a gallery too. Here are "wearer of many hats"-Joan Wasser, Owner-Harris Botnick, and art director-Ashlei Thomas.

Inside art on top, jewelry on the bottom with people all over.

Now you know: Wild Oats and Billy Goats is a folk art gallery in Decatur, so there.

The whole universe is inside.

If you recognize this dog ...

The Seen Gallery is on Church Street. As tired as I was, the gallery staff had also been on their feet for more than 10 hours on a "wawm" day. I salute them. Here are co-owners Bill Bibb and Amy Bradford who still had plenty of charm and good humor to encourage the now wilting Architecture Tourist, and a singing bird to boot.

This is clay artist, Michael Klapthor with his witty "Shy Fox." My picture doesn't do it justice.

Sycamore Place Gallery & Studios was party central on Sycamore Place. It was a batch of artist nooks with a big back room and patio.

On the right is the Sycamore Place impresario Sylvia McCorkle. She charms in 10 seconds. Visit for an irresistible dose of life energy.

This is an artist party space. The band and lady bodybuilders - really - had not even arrived.

Now for a jag out to Avondale Estates and wonderful MudFire Clayworks & Gallery. Here are wife/husband co-owners Luba Sharapan and Erik Haagensen holding Luba's mugs. They were shutting down after 11 hours.

I'd done 34 open galleries and 3 closed galleries. I had one hour to visit one more. Per my plan: I wanted to hit whitespace in Inman Park about dusk.

Susan Bridges, whitespace and Inman Park prime mover, was closing down too. When I told her about the other gallery dogs, well ...

it was 9:30 and I had done it.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

35 Galleries in 12 hours Part 5: Castleberry Hill and Mason Murer

This was the Atlanta Gallery Association Art Sun-up to Sundown – Citywide Art Walk Saturday, August 21, 2010 10 am – 10 pm. So far:
Getting a little woozy now, not exactly art overload, one foot in front of the other.

South to Castleberry Hill and Marcia Wood Gallery.

Here is Marcia Wood herself. Marcia Wood Gallery on Facebook.

Amanda Brown with friend at Artist Trifecta. I banked this non-AGA gallery in case another gallery was closed. Artist Trifecta on Facebook. They tweet at @artisttrifecta

I didn't see Mr. Besharat at Besharat Gallery but it's always breathtaking.

The tilt lurks in the back of my mind.

This piece stays with me. I must see it again: Jean-Francois-Rauzier "Bibliotheque Ideale 3," more than 1000 images Photoshopped together.


This is a tiny detail, maybe 4"x6"

Detail from another work by Jean-Francois Rauzier.

I had to backtrack a bit to Mason Murer Fine Art. They were hosting a grand exhibition / event that night. "No Limits: Celebrating Georgia Artists with Disabilities" Mason Murer on Facebook. They Tweet at @MasonMurer.

On the left, Elizabeth Labbe-Webb Executive Director of VSA arts of Georgia who was mighty busy.

There was an entire warehouse wall of art for sale. VSA Arts Georgia is on Facebook.

More to come.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

35 Galleries in 12 hours Part 4: Westside

This is going to take a few more posts. They started with "Part 1: Dogs, Birds, and a Wild Hare" "Part 2 Buckhead Galleries," and "Part 3: South of Pharr, Peachtree Hills, Bennett Street." This was the Atlanta Gallery Association Art Sun-up to Sundown – Citywide Art Walk Saturday, August 21, 2010 10 am – 10 pm.

I think I did the very first Westside Arts District's Gallery Walk.

Watson Gallery (formerly Abstein Gallery) is on 14th next to The Silver Skillet Restaurant. If you head around back, you might find Rebekah Watson herself.

Watson Gallery is big, impressive and loaded. If you drive by you might miss it. From the Silver Skillet, you can see the side door, a colorful Zen View teaser. Please head around back.


Alas, Tanner Hill Gallery, also in White Provision, closed just as I got there. I think they had to catch a plane. Here is their Facebook page.

They've had some great shows though. Here is Thornton Dial at Tanner Hilll.

Now I was one gallery behind so I substituted the Jackson Fine Art space at White Provision. They featured stunning, spooky pictures of children. They have a Facebook page.

Ever been on 11th Street? Get This Gallery and Saltworks Gallery are side by side.

Lloyd Benjamin, the Get This impresario, does framing.

Get This Gallery feathered Harrison Keys in a solo show: Pressure Luck.

At Saltworks Gallery (also on Facebook) I enjoyed the giant Geisha with Afro ...

... and the urn with fur, not so easy to find in the Buckhead galleries.


Here are Jeffrey Guy and Bob Butler owners of Twin Kittens. They sell art without taking commissions. Good deal I think. Very nice folks. I've "allowed" them to use my initials on their sign. I urge you to visit their Facbook page and "like" them.

Next: The Octane neighborhood gallery cluster. Here is Emily Amy Gallery. You can find it on Facebook. Tweets at @emilyamygallery

Emily Amy Gallery is a great space. There are several ways to move though the gallery. Gaps give you long sight lines and Zen Vews.

Kiang Gallery was closed! Cool gallery anyway.

So I substituted the non-AGA gallery, Sandler Hudson Gallery now full of all blue Michael Jackson by Amalia Amaki. Stunning, strange, memorable.

My last Westside stop was the Atlanta Contemporary Art Center which the "The Total Package" of art and cool contemporary re-purposed space. Here is the ACAC Facbook page. ACAC tweets @becontemporary

ACAC has room for huge indoor-outdoor parties and huge art. This is part of Shana Robbins' "Supernatural Conductor." Stange, feminine, and you can walk through some of the pieces.

Shana Robbins used more lace than I've ever seen in one place.

I need a little nap but I still have Mason Murer, Castleberry Hill, Decatur, Avondale, and Inman Park to go.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

35 Galleries in 12 hours Part 2 Buckhead Galleries

This is going to take a few more posts. They started with "Part 1: Dogs, Birds, and a Wild Hare." This was the Atlanta Gallery Association Art Sun-up to Sundown – Citywide Art Walk Saturday, August 21, 2010 10 am – 10 pm.

I started at the northern most AGA gallery. Here is Ann Huff from Huff Harrington Fine Art. Their blog is The Artful Lifestyle. Here is the Huff Harrington Facebook page. They Tweet at @HuffHarrington. Their gallery is in a little old rancher converted into high-charm inside and out.

Next was Laqerquist Gallery on Paces Ferry Place. I didn't know this place so I was happy to find it tucked "off" East Andrews. It's loaded inside. Here are owner, Evlyn Laqerquist, and artist Bri Matheson.

It's very inviting.

They wanted me to see this witty picture. I'm glad I did. It's by James Courtney James.

Next I went to Paces Ferry proper and starting with Alan Avery Art Company. Here is Alan Avery on Facebook,

I met Alan Avery himself and got his front of Jean Larson's "Beaute Essentielle VIII"
P1030521-2010-08-21-Avery-Art-Company ALAN-AVERY

DE Fine Art just around the corner.

Here is Erin Wertenberger, owner of Twenty21 Collections/Gallery Rodin.

You've already met The Sportsmans Gallery Ltd director Mary Kate Slowiaczek and her Boston.

And Catherine Kelleghan from the Catherine Kelleghan Gallery. Here is the gallery on Facebook.

Catherine Kelleghan featured Suzita (Susan George) from Madison Georgia at work.

Here are glass artist Hans Frabel and David Copeland, owner of the Copeland Collection. Here is Hans Godo Frabel on Facebook.


I need a few more posts to finish this up. I'll leave you with this charming view on Grand View of Anis Restaurant.