
Sunday, August 29, 2010

35 Galleries in 12 hours Part 5: Castleberry Hill and Mason Murer

This was the Atlanta Gallery Association Art Sun-up to Sundown – Citywide Art Walk Saturday, August 21, 2010 10 am – 10 pm. So far:
Getting a little woozy now, not exactly art overload, one foot in front of the other.

South to Castleberry Hill and Marcia Wood Gallery.

Here is Marcia Wood herself. Marcia Wood Gallery on Facebook.

Amanda Brown with friend at Artist Trifecta. I banked this non-AGA gallery in case another gallery was closed. Artist Trifecta on Facebook. They tweet at @artisttrifecta

I didn't see Mr. Besharat at Besharat Gallery but it's always breathtaking.

The tilt lurks in the back of my mind.

This piece stays with me. I must see it again: Jean-Francois-Rauzier "Bibliotheque Ideale 3," more than 1000 images Photoshopped together.


This is a tiny detail, maybe 4"x6"

Detail from another work by Jean-Francois Rauzier.

I had to backtrack a bit to Mason Murer Fine Art. They were hosting a grand exhibition / event that night. "No Limits: Celebrating Georgia Artists with Disabilities" Mason Murer on Facebook. They Tweet at @MasonMurer.

On the left, Elizabeth Labbe-Webb Executive Director of VSA arts of Georgia who was mighty busy.

There was an entire warehouse wall of art for sale. VSA Arts Georgia is on Facebook.

More to come.


  1. Terry, we only did the Buckhead galleries and Mason Murer - after that we'd had enough and went for a late breakfast. I bought a drawing by Ben Smith and thereafter was forbidden to buy anything else.

    On gallery tours such as this one realizes how much dross there is - so much so, it gives creativity a bad name. There are jewels amongst the dross but they are rare. I realize each person reacts differently to art and craft and I limit myself as a collector, if collector I am, to works on paper with an emphasis on drawings. I'm a believer in affordability especially in an economy where artists and craftsmen must be afraid of where they next dollar is coming from, yet I see no attempt to meet the buyers even half-way.

  2. It's really overwhelming. There is no stopping the artists. Best just to stay out of their way.
