
Thursday, August 26, 2010

35 Galleries in 12 hours Part 2 Buckhead Galleries

This is going to take a few more posts. They started with "Part 1: Dogs, Birds, and a Wild Hare." This was the Atlanta Gallery Association Art Sun-up to Sundown – Citywide Art Walk Saturday, August 21, 2010 10 am – 10 pm.

I started at the northern most AGA gallery. Here is Ann Huff from Huff Harrington Fine Art. Their blog is The Artful Lifestyle. Here is the Huff Harrington Facebook page. They Tweet at @HuffHarrington. Their gallery is in a little old rancher converted into high-charm inside and out.

Next was Laqerquist Gallery on Paces Ferry Place. I didn't know this place so I was happy to find it tucked "off" East Andrews. It's loaded inside. Here are owner, Evlyn Laqerquist, and artist Bri Matheson.

It's very inviting.

They wanted me to see this witty picture. I'm glad I did. It's by James Courtney James.

Next I went to Paces Ferry proper and starting with Alan Avery Art Company. Here is Alan Avery on Facebook,

I met Alan Avery himself and got his front of Jean Larson's "Beaute Essentielle VIII"
P1030521-2010-08-21-Avery-Art-Company ALAN-AVERY

DE Fine Art just around the corner.

Here is Erin Wertenberger, owner of Twenty21 Collections/Gallery Rodin.

You've already met The Sportsmans Gallery Ltd director Mary Kate Slowiaczek and her Boston.

And Catherine Kelleghan from the Catherine Kelleghan Gallery. Here is the gallery on Facebook.

Catherine Kelleghan featured Suzita (Susan George) from Madison Georgia at work.

Here are glass artist Hans Frabel and David Copeland, owner of the Copeland Collection. Here is Hans Godo Frabel on Facebook.


I need a few more posts to finish this up. I'll leave you with this charming view on Grand View of Anis Restaurant.


  1. Quite a feat!

    Lagerquist Gallery is an oldie but goody. Glad to see they are still at it!

  2. We're so glad you stopped by! Thanks for mentioning us. :) We had such a great time with this event and look forward to doing more things like this in the future!

    ~The Huffingtons
