
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thanks for the tour of Glenwood Park

There will be more blogging about this. To the Atlanta bloggers who missed out: Double secret probation.

This is the roof top of the Historical Concepts Glenwood Park office. We were there.

Hello Dawn, Beth, Domenick, and Bruce,

Thanks so much for showing us around Glenwood Park yesterday and for helping us put it together. We appreciate that y'all took time out of your day to help us enjoy this beautiful place.

Angela did the first post or at The Painted House. There will be some more.

Domenick explains real stucco over real masonry.


to Dawn Fritz and Todd Strickland who humored me at the CNU and to Kevin Clark for letting us run amok in the studio, and to Domenick Treschitta who nearly melted into the sidewalk showing us around in the heat and who enjoyed it as much as we did.
Historical Concepts

to Beth Fore who endured several of my out of-the-blue phone calls inviting myself into the Cablik offices. We don't really see much in the blogs about builders of these one of a kind modern houses. Thanks to Alan Cablik whom I met at the Barksdale house at MA 10.
Cablik Enterprises/ and Dwell Modern, Cablik Enterprises’ residential division

to Bruce Gaunt, my longtime neighbor who found a variety of homes to visit. Somehow Bruce manged to have the air conditioning turned on in every one. You had to be there.
http:Brucke Gaunt, Keller Williams Intown/

Bruce, Domenick, Emmie, Angela, Ally

Here are the bloggers.
Thanks again, Terry

P.S. Once is not enough for me. I'll work towards doing this again so we can to return the favor to out hosts.

Angela, Terry, Emmie ready for a cold beverage.


  1. Sorry I wasn't able to attend. Sounds like a great day despite our ruthless weather of late.

  2. I was so sad to miss!!!! Had looked forward to this all of June. Alas, my summer is turning out to be busier than my school year - ferrying children all over Atlanta. I feel like a gerbil on a wheel. I'll look forward to the next tour.

  3. Sounds like a really interesting tour. Thanks for sharing pics for those of us who could not make it!

  4. Hate that I didn't make it out the other day. The tour looked like so much fun.

    As for my upholstery, I have this amazing lady that does all of my reupholstering. She only works directly with designers though. -c

  5. The heat didn't slow us down! Thank you again, Terry, for organizing this. Hopefully we all can do more "field trips."
