
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Red Patti - the very thing?

A young, dear to our heart career girl's apartment: Just to the left of the mirror is the front door. To the left of that is the corner "front-door-junk-drop." Right now, it's junky. We've been looking.


So on Friday night JoAnn and I went to Jalisco* for dinner (without our children, please don't tell them). We strolled Peachtree Battle Shopping Center before eating so we could browse Nadeau before it closed. Well, they had just received a shipment of their funky stuff, including "red Patti."


It has the curvy shape of scroll buttresses and 3 shelves. We measured and it fits. It's about 39"-24"-14" perfect for keeping front-door-junk-drop stuff handy but out of sight.


Gotta' make sure she likes it. It's not an antique, not an heirloom, not very expensive either. But it's intersting, practical and red. Nadeau has them in other colors too.

*Jalisco is a Mexican restaurant at Peachtree Battle. If you live nearby and have a family, you know.

P.S. For folks who saw "TK's Jackson Pollock Pickets," it's nearly dry so I stood it up today. This isn't is final location. But it looks pretty darn good.



  1. Great find! And the fence looks great especially with the lighting.

    Nominated you/awarded you the HOnest Scrap award on my blog today (did I tell you that already? Senility is setting in...)

  2. That is a really cool piece. The curves make it special. I think I would even be baskets inside it too.

  3. We had the same problem by our back door. I had hubby build a wood storage cube, but I love that red cabinet even more! It's got great style!

  4. I like it! Hope to see it in its future home soon!

  5. Ha, can't wait for my garden tour. Will show you mine if you show me yours.

    But you must wait till my front is gravelled this Dec.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  6. Very cool piece - I see a red theme going on in your life right now.

    My architect said that the first good surface in a home is the place where all of the 'junk' gets deposited. I tried to get rid of the little 'family command center' that he had designed, in order to make more room for other things, and he told me that I needed a good place for the debris of life with kids, life in general. He is going to find another way to make more room in the area.

    I like your choice - I prefer to hide things away, but before I hide them away, they tend to stack up before I process the stack (then the stack gets hidden away).

    Great meeting you last night!

    P.S. - I went to Jaliscos for the first time last month. My kids declared that the queso was the best they had ever tasted (they are queso connoisseurs).

  7. Jalisco Restaurant nachos are my family's gold standard. We ate there before children, during children, as empty nesters. It's an easy, perfectly consistent, family place. Our family has lots of memories: like our babies in car-seats under that table, and our drink spills bigger than 100-year floods in nearby Peachtree Creek.

    Anyway, if you are a regular, I don't have to tell you.
