
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fresh blogging air

Hooked on Houses is hosting her "Hooked on Friday's" blog party: This Friday I'm hooked on The Skirted Roundtable.

Know why? It's a breath of fresh air. It's a little jolt to the community surrounding Megan from Beach Bungalow 8, Linda from ::Surroundings::, and Joni from Cote de Texas.

And I'm ready for some fresh air.

Why is it so fresh? Blog readers interact at glacial speeds via email and blog comments. Here we have actual human conversations. We're making personal connections.

I don't know about you but, all the design TV, magazine, and blogs have put me into design overload.

So when the Skirted Roundtable pops up out of nowhere; when The Blue Remembered Hills pops up in Atlanta on January 9 with the question: "Did the world need another interior design blog?" I get my second wind.

Has everything been done?

Quote from the GSO's (Great Skirted Ones) :
"...with all the design blogs today it gets harder and harder to find virgin topics."
This is how it feels. But if everything has been done, why can't I ever find what I want? Where are all the blogs about chia pet topiary?

(Pardon my flagrant use of Google bait. Let's see how soon Google ranks this page for "chia pet topiary" searches.)

To all you nice folks who commented on Jeff Shutters last week, thanks so much. We'll post again when something happens.)


  1. AWWWWW, man. You are too sweet. I love this! Maybe you should read some bohemian design blogs - Megan has those on her blog roll.

    Thank you again so much! This was great!!!

  2. Thank you sooo much! It's really inspiring for us to hear people like what we're doing! Thanks for the shout out and keep the comments and suggestions coming!

  3. Terry, I am enjoying the Skirted Roundtable too! It is a treat since all three of the bloggers participating are actual interior designers. This is the kind of everyday interaction that is not a part of my world as none of my friends share my interest in interior design.

  4. Things, that is so true. It's getting a little closer to folks with common interests.

    That's what I enjoy so much about our art stroll posse, often including my children. They enjoy the atmosphere, the nightlife, the coolness, and the art in different proportions than I do, but we sure do have a good time together. Seeking out the artists to talk with and getting their picture adds to the connections and to the fun.

  5. If everything of consequence has been done and said then I'm in trouble. I have much much more to learn, I guess I just need to go and find it...I'll check out the Skirted Roudtable and I'll stay here too. You have an inordinary perpective.

  6. Hey thanks Terry! I did not know about The Skirted Roundtable! Darn-I hate to thought of as just another interior design blog! Oh designing days have been very few and far between lately. Have a wonderful Friday!


  7. Misti, et al,
    The blogosphere is always percolating. As soon as you get bored, or frustrated, or think it's all been done, something new pops up, or we discover something old for the first time, or we find kindred spirits.

    When that happens, I appreciate everything a bit more.

    Skirted Roundtable is a conversation by kindred spirits for kindred spirits.

    And, I can listen politely even while I'm checking my email.

  8. P.S. Less than 13 hours after I published, this page is #3 in Google for "chia pet topiary"

  9. Like you all i really enjoy the roundtable...

    Lovely blog and Thanks Grundles!! for stopping by and adding your comments to my cottage post.

    Much appreciated.
    TTFN~~ Claudia

    PS... cool that you got your blog to accept "all" of us people who enjoy your blog.

  10. I wonder this about so many topics. Is there really more to say? Doubtful. But I still get encouragement from reading something twice....or thrice.... Lisa~

  11. Well...aren't you tackling some of the niggling issues today! Agree with you on the skirted roundtable...I think I love hearing actual voices.

    Good post!

    sorry about your cranky mango story. How is DD now?

  12. Your post made me laugh.

    I just write about what I love. If others like it then that is just the whipped cream on my sundae. :)

  13. I am enjoying the Skirted Roundtable too! It is a treat since all three of the bloggers participating are actual interior designers.

  14. Great blog here It’s hard to find quality writing like yours these days. I really appreciate people like you.


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