
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Jewel Box Lobby #2 the W.W. Orr Doctors Building

Hospital offices have replaced doctors' offices in the W.W. Orr Doctors Building (1930, Pringle and Smith). But you can still walk right in.


If you are at the hospital anyway, you might as well do some architecture touring, right?

"At the Orr Building the architects...recognizing that the building would be frequently visited by patients, (Francis Palmer) Smith paid particular attention to the ornamental richness of the entry and lobby..." -Robert M. Craig, The Architecture of Francis Palmer Smith, Atlanta's Scholar Architect

It's a standalone building with one corner on Peachtree and a corner in a park.

I think the lobby it's more elegant than showy but it's certainly showy.

It's cozy.

And wow.

The plaque incorporates the art deco motifs used inside and outside.

It's at Peachtree and Pine, looking east from the parking deck.

The Orr is the centerpiece that makes Emory Midtown the prettiest hospital in Atlanta. This is from the auditorium hall. The Orr is in the upper left corner of this picture.

It frames the garden/couryard and entrance to the hospital. It's pedestrian friendly. So just walk over there.

From the elevator lobby of the Parking Deck you can also see the Peachtree-Pine Building by A. Ten Eyck Brown c. 1921, "an engaged colonnade framed by a terra cotta frieze." - Mary Ann Sullivan.

I blogged the Rhodes-Haverty Building's jewel box lobby here. Now I must find my way into Frances Palmer Smith's William Oliver Building which is not open to the public.


  1. What wonderful details and the gardens so peaceful to view from above.

  2. Very nice! I hate to say it, but I usually rush past this block when I'm walking up Peachtree Street so I can get through the Pine Street homeless-shelter zone quickly. After reading this, I took the time last night to pause and peek through the front door to admire the lobby.

    I love that shot from the parking deck where you can see the tree tops if Midtown.

    1. I think the Peachtree Entrance stays locked. The door to west and north facing the courtyard are open at least during business hours. A prior commenter said that they built in a spiral slide fire escape.

  3. Thank you! my grandfather's Dr office was on the 11th floor facing west, and I used to spend saturday afternoons there with him after choir practice at St Luke's church. I adored the doors! I was also pretty darn fascinated with the mail slot. I also recall that there was one of those fire escape tubes from the top to the bottom, but I was definitely *not* allowed anywhere near it.

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