
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Faux Chateau is No Mo and I'm sad.

It was a big 1952 brick rancher on a half acre. I don't exactly when, before 1990 for sure. I don't know by whom, but they turned it into a lovable modern - a POMO - and gave it a nickname: "The Faux Chateau" during construction.

Inside it was breathtaking, spacious, and fun. It was a gallery; the owners were collectors.

It wasn't a 1952 rancher anymore.

Now it's an $800K tear-down.

I saw it for the first time on a Morningside - Lenox Park Tour of Homes in the late 80's I think, soon after the conversion.

They haven't yet leveled the garage, but they will.

I saw it again last year when it was for sale. It was perfect both times.

But at 2,719 square feet, 3 bedrooms, and 2 baths, it was no longer "in" in this neighborhood.

Here is was with it's rancher neighbors.

The rancher next door is now a mansion.

That's what you do these days.

John Willis Custom Homes' sign is in the yard and and they do fine work.

But I'm feeling sad.


  1. I'm also sad. This house belongs (belonged) to a friend of mine. She and her husband where the couple who remodeled the house and who just sold it to retire. About a year ago I was there to have lunch with her and the McMansions totally overwhelmed the house. The future was clear...and awful...

  2. McMansions, some are better, some are worse
    I just look at them and curse.

  3. I met them at an art event recently. We did the "where you do you live" exchange. Finally I realized that they lived in the Faux Chateau. I told them I'd been there. My thought was about all the people who didn't know how great it was.

  4. That's so sad that they tore it down. It looked super nice.

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