
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

They tore it down yesterday, a "1930" on Amsterdam - Video.

This is how far they got in half a day, yesterday, Monday. The demo guy said they'd be done by Tuesday evening.

I got a few "before" pictures. I spotted it just in time as they were removing the asbestos and other hazardous materials last week.

P1020445-2011-12-14-916 Amsterdam-teardown-or-poptop-before
The demo guy said it was well built and they could tell. The back part was added later and not so well built.


P1020446-2011-12-14-916 Amsterdam-teardown-or-poptop-south-facade-before
It was quite appealing but the neighborhood demographics have left it in the dust.

I'll bet the aluminum siding on the gables isn't original.

P1020446-2011-12-14-916 Amsterdam-teardown-or-poptop-south-facade-Chimney-Detail-before
The prominent chimney needed no apology. See Kyle's post on chimneys; we are all chimney lovers.


If you aren't familiar with in-town Atlanta, Amsterdam divides Morningside to the north from Virginia-Highlands to the south. Both are as desirable as it gets within the city limits. This house in in Morningside side of the street.

Lots (teardowns) start about about $300K for 1/5 acre or so. In fact there is another teardown two houses from this one.

Here are a few crunches and a look west and east. As said, if you aren't from around here, you wouldn't guess the desirability.

A little more crunch.

I'll watch and report back to you.


  1. How sad. Somebody should keep an eye on the number of trees the builder cuts down.

  2. The EPA estimates that about 40 percent of the national solid waste stream is building-related waste (only about 20 percent of construction waste or demolition debris (C&D) is recycled and most of that is metal). A 2003 study by the EPA found that164,000 million tons of C&D waste is produced annually in the US, of which 9 percent is construction waste, 38 percent is renovation waste, and 53 percent is demolition debris.

    It is absolutely insane how wasteful teardowns are - and I haven't even mentioned Embodied Energy, the environmental, energy, and monetary costs of the actual teardown work, or the impact of whatever will be built in its place. If they call the new building "Green", you can be sure that is a bold-faced lie.

    Any idea whether anyone is doing salvage work to reclaim some of the more useful or aesthetic architectural elements?

  3. They certainly separated out the metal. Here they are grabbing a dishwasher for the metal pile.

  4. I hate to see this one go. It was really attractive and had so much style. Too bad they didn't take the house next door that isn't attractive.

  5. It's a duplex between the 2 teardrops. The folks are probably living economically and very well a short walk from DBA BBQ. Mmmmm. Probabably be very noisy for the next 10 months.

  6. They'll have it down in 2 days, and build a new one in 30 and it will be nowhere near as well built as what they removed.
