
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It preserved more of its original "1914" appearance

1148 North Highland is for sale. Even with 11 foot ceilings, it's probably a goner. I'm feeling a bit sad and sentimental about it.

This house has probably been deteriorating for most of the time I've lived here.

And that has left it in a certain condition, don't you think?

I've driven past 100's, maybe a thousand times. I never notice it yet always notice it.


The neglect preserved more of its original "1914" appearance than others in the neighborhood, no add-ons, no preservation, no landscaping, no TLC.

The Bradford Pear smothers it the summer. Even if you are looking, you can't really see it.

Very handsome I think.

You can see the two front doors. It was split in half to make duplex. Who knows when.

It's impressive but the tarp isn't a good sign.

My kind of trucks.

I didn't notice the chimney until I processed the pictures on my computer.

In Virginia Highlands and most of Morningside "extra large lot" means .26 acres.

Indeed a quarter acre gives you some breathing room.


So I'm feeling a bit sad and sentimental about this one.

It's iconic. You can find these - even in this condition - almost anywhere. It's so familiar.

If they tear it down, I guess there are plenty more bungalows.

If they fix it up all authentic and everything, will it really be as authentic as it is today?

If you are in the neighborhood, have a look. And make sure to drive up Highland Terrace.

Treat yourself one of the neighborhoods great views, almost a zen view. It works for me every time.

Thanks to Patti Hinkle at Pretty Old Houses for encouraging me to have a look.


  1. Thanks for the post and for taking pictures of this Pretty Old House before it's too late. It looks better on a sunny day--really it does. Inside it's not all that bad. There's a big central hall and several fireplaces. It could be renovated--really.

  2. If they'd cut the awful trees and clear the brush it would look like a mansion.

  3. You're right about the trees and brush, but this is a great house!

  4. The owner of this house lives nearby. I believe he "let it go" when his wife died and he moved across the street with his young son. Very sad.

  5. I'm only sad temporarily. I think there is someone out there who might just fall in love with it.

    With the leaves down, folks can get a better look at it. We can't bear to cut our big trees so they crush houses and sometimes kill every year in our neighborhood.

    It's an archetypical American house that has earned and deserves a little attention. I think it has a future. Imagine all the lives lived there, how many generations? A 97 year old house will have hit a few bumps.

  6. Thanks for posting this. I've also driven and walked by the house countless times and wondered about it's fate every time. Any chance you'll be able to share pictures of the inside with us?

  7. There are a few in the ad

    You could certainly get an agent to show you.

  8. When I see old houses like the one pictured, I think of its history - who designed and built it. The families who may have owned it - the excitement they felt when it was purchased, children born and raised within its walls. The joyful celebrations of graduations, weddings and anniversaries. Where the owners may have worked, gone to church, PTA & civic work - and, finally, the sadness as spouses died, their material goods sold and the slow decline begins. Almost all houses have that life cycle, though some are spared the decline.
