
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mini-Architecture Tour with Eileen Drennen

Having successfully completed her secret, rigorous initiation tour I hereby declare Eileen M. Drennen to be an Architecture Tourist with all the rights and responsibilities thereof.

Eileen and I took a brief architecture tour yesterday thanks to a blog connection. Turns out that she likes this stuff as much as I do.

I met Eileen Drennen and her husband Terry (I like people named Terry) at the opening reception for Gregory Warmack, Mr. Imagination, at Barbara Archer Gallery.

The two Terrys flank Eileen at Barbara Archer Gallery. I think she likes Terrys too but who doesn't?

Turns out Eileen is a professional writer for newspapers and stuff. Eileen blogs at "maypops" when she gets tired of capitalization and who doesn't get tired of capitalization? Eileen wanted to interview me for an article in the Virginia Highlands - Druid Hills Patch.

She interviewed me yesterday and we went for a tour. Little did she know! In gratitude for Eileen's good humor, fine companionship, and her natural aptitude for Architecture Tourism I will reveal a few details from her initiation.

This is an excerpt from our "Little-House, Big Windows" appendix of our Terminal Vista Training Manual.


I lectured from "Columns, Porches and Door Surrounds 101" at the Virginia Court Apartments.



I began Eileen's instruction on the "Semi-secret Architecture Tourist Ionic Hand Signals" at "The Colonnades."

We began "Urn /Octagonal Column / Swag Drills" at "The Saint Charles."


Eileen demonstrated instinctual command of eyebrows, half-timbering, and prominent, eave wall Tudor style, chimneys.


I sensed Eileen's exceptional aptitude when she recalled "Samuel Mockbee" based on my hints and his mostly unknown design in Atlanta bartered with two canoes.


And still, we went on.


Congratulations to Eileen.


  1. Beautiful post! Love the little house with big windows and the tudor too. :D
    Lots of great ideas for miniature houses here!
    Your blog is good. Thanks for sharing your photos.

  2. I just discovered your blog via a neighbor's advice. Wonderful! It's great to see all the eclectic architectural styles in this one spot.

    I lived in the Virginia Court Apts from '81-84.
    On summer nights, the jasmine vines and gardenia bushes just outside the front entrance were intoxicating. I lived on the second floor and had one of those romantic columned balconies, where I would sometimes paint.

    And in the small world department, my sister Gina, a writer, knows Eileen.
