
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Party at the Beacham Series Cover House

The 2010 Beacham Series Magazine deserved it's kickoff party last Thursday. Your fortunate host was there to enjoy a fine Atlanta evening. Here is the cover house as it lit up at dusk.

Bunch of bloggers.
Left to right: Pamela, I'm in the blue shirt, then Niki McNeill of SingleBubblePop, Dana Jones - thegreatdanaj, Blayne Beacham of This Photographer's Life, Kate Abney of Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles. James from Limestone & Boxwoods was there too but camera shy. Those Atlanta bloggers who weren't there are hereby placed on secret probation.

The pool was party central. It felt very nice down there, many comfortable places for sitting or standing, good circulation for mingling.

The beautiful balcony overlooks the backyard.

Folks took advantage of the views. What do you call those columns that appear to be bundles of rods wrapped together?

People gravitated toward comfortable places. Standing is Harrison Design Associates principal, Rick Hatch.

Harrison Design Associates designed and redesigned the house. Here is Bill Harrison himself talking with Beacham agent, Anne Powers. Anne and I grew up together. We had an unexpected and touching reunion at the party. Anne said that the "little kids" we were in High Point are still very much with us.

This is a stunning view from the pool. Two curvy chimneys flank a magnificent oriel window. The pool house roof grounds what might otherwise be an intimidating wall.

This is a nice place.

On the right is Cristi Holcombe of Charm Home. You can see how Blayne, Nikki, Cristi, the pool house and the great house make me look thin.

My impressions? This is a big house, done to a "T" if you know I mean. What struck me most was the comfort in the spaces. The interior spaces are extensive, impressively sized and detailed but they never made me feel small.

The entrance facade and courtyard conceal the bigness, the flanking garages seemed to embrace me, I felt very good there. The big windows and shallow pitched roof mitigate the bigness, made it human scaled I think.

The backyard faces the full 3 stories of the house. Balconies, shelters, stairways, and the pool house break up the great mass. There are many inviting, sheltering places on the back. They make yard comfortable and invite you into the house.

From A Patter Language: 160. BUILDING EDGE
"Crenelate the edge of buildings with places that invite people to stop. Make places that have depth and a covering, places to sit, lean, and walk, especially at those points along the perimeter which look onto interesting outdoor life."
Inside, well, it takes a pro to present the inside in pictures. Blayne's listing pictures are the best substitute to being there.

My very favorite indoor space? The downstairs kitchen is the headquarters for a family space where children and their parents can pleasantly run amok.

Many thanks to Beacham And Company Realtors and the the gracious homeowners for a wonderful evening. Thanks to Greg Palmer of Harrison Design Associates for these up-lit columns in antis on the pool house.

Bravo and thanks again.


  1. That first dusk picture is really great. Good to see you.

  2. That house is magnificent! I like the delicate railings of the veranda and the wonderfully curved window set between the two chimneys! Also, the entry court sets the tone for this timeless house.

  3. This is possibly my new dream house! Stunning!

  4. Love the texture of the painted brick.

  5. The brick, the color of the brick, and in particular the color at that time of day, both in direct sun and shade were beautiful. Not cream colored but creamy. And the fact that the window frame are also white ... well I don't know what that did but it simplified the look. It's as if it was carved out of a single blog of material. The roof, downspouts, iron, and the dark of the windows supplied the contrast.

  6. You had me at the first photo! Is is wonderful, the house views amazingly! I can't imagine how wonderful the interior is. I would love to celebrate the holidays there!
    (Oh, and my favorite line, and it doesn't have to to with the gorgeous home, but rather your great humor, "You can see how Blayne, Nikki, Cristi, the pool house and the great house make me look thin." :-D love it. Beautiful architecture, beautiful images, beautiful people.

  7. Wow. What a house! I would never go inside....looks like a blast.

  8. This was a fun party! Good to see you, Terry! The lady to the left was my co-worker Pamela; she's not a blogger but wanted to come check out the house. :)

  9. was sorry to have missed it, happy to get to be there thru your pictures!
