
Monday, June 14, 2010

No place like home

Architecture tourists can't live by homes alone: Irresistible to humans: barns, bridges, lighthouses.

For Whitehaven who is just back from the beach too, check the checked floor.

This is Ponce de Leon Inlet Light, tallest in Florida. Each lighthouse has a different look and different flash. This is the glorious red one, the light pattern is six flashes in a fifteen second period followed by a fifteen-second eclipse.

Rachel and I climbed to the top on the gorgeous iron stairway for $5 each. Looking up was harder for me than looking down.

I took off the supplementary oxygen for the picture.

What a view.

Our support crew, Deb and JoAnn, stayed way, way down there.

The grounds have more charm that most places today. I guess some modern beach houses approach this, maybe some...


P.S. If you are in the neighborhood, you might meet Santa Larry from the Palm Tree Santas; they don't get much friendlier.
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  1. Terry, I loved this post so much! But I am concerned about your supplemental oxygen.

    When I was a child growing up in the lowcountry I spent a lot of time at the top of a lighthouse. I went back to that lighthouse as an adult and couldn't believe how different it all was for me. I actually held onto the railing for dear life when the wind gusted, something I never did as a child.

  2. Hope you had a nice trip! Looks like fun!

  3. I love light houses! Although the height makes me a little dizzy now that I'm not 25. How I do love checked floors - you are so thoughtful to remember that!
    That photo looking up is amazing.
    Thanks Terry.

  4. Oh I love light houses too! Do you ever get to Bald Head Island in NC? Old Baldy is fun to climb up as well. Great photos Terry!

  5. Pam. I've been to Bald Head. Seem to remember a scary climb. Not sure though.

  6. I have reoccurring nightmares that include dangerous stairways. That corkscrew reminded me. :) BUT I would give it a try in reality for that wonderful view! Fun post!

  7. Love the stairwell photos...have always loved angles like that. Oddly enough, as a child I was fearful of heights, but that has greatly dissipated in adulthood. I knew for sure my fear of heights was gone when I leaned excessively far out of a 55th floor window in the Chrysler Building in NYC to snap a shot of the chrome on the building. Your trip looks like it was great fun!
