
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Curators, Cooks, Calligraphers and Bloggers on a Friday at Calstleberry

Three architecture tourists did the Castleberry Hill Stroll on Friday. We met some nice folks. Here is some huge calligraphy at Peters Street Gallery to get us started.

I'll get back to the art in another post.

On the left is Mark Mason Karelson of Mason Murer Gallery. He curated the current exhibition at Peters Street. Very fine work I think.

Next door is Artist Trifecta owned and curated by Amanda Brown on the left with AT Katherine. In the background: work by Nigel Marson, a cover for Edwin McCain's Austin Series CD.
P1010992-2010-05-14-Castleberry-Stroll-Artists-Trifecta- AMANDA-BROWN-KK

We ran into 3 other online notables at the Granite Room: from right to left: Ciambellina, HamWithCam, Inside the Perimeter, and me (Architecture Tourist). We're all a little shiny from the waw'm Atlanta evening.
Cooks? You've heard about the Atlanta Street food Coalition? They are about to get you and that's a good thing. Here is Hector Santiago cooking in a tent behind Peters Street Gallery.
Hector is one of the 3 Atlanta Top Chefs from last year and owner of Pure Vida. Nice guy.

This is the Good Food Truck. Yummy. The whole truck looked good enough to eat.

I've got to go now. It's my birthday.



  1. When I posed for the picture, I didn't know I was posing with the guy behind "Inside the Perimeter"! Wow! That was one of the blogs I started reading when I learned I was moving back to Atlanta. Next time I'll have to actually chit chat with him!

  2. Wow is right. Now folks will ask, "Who are those guys with Ciambellina?"

  3. Happiest Birthday, Terry! I've found bloggers to be quite demure people when it comes to their birthdays! Rarely do they mention the festivities involved and they NEVER DIVULGE THEIR AGE! :)

  4. Looks like you had a great time on your birthday!!!!

  5. I love going to the Castleberry Hill art stroll. Looks like you got to see some great art and were in great company. I haven't been since last fall. I think it might be time for me to head out there in June. -Cristi
