
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Blue enough?

I'm participating in Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch. Thanks to Susan!

We have 3 blue ceilings.

Last night I saw this one.
P1010827-2010-05-01-St-Bartholomew-Episcopal-Church-Atlanta-Schola-PreDusk Blue Ceiling

Ours look wimpy in comparison.
767 "Graceful Sea"
Porch Ceiling
834 "Bright and Early"

Cathedral Ceiling

675 "Thunderbird"
Bedroom Ceiling
I think we could have gone bluer on the porch. But look where we started. Everybody want's cathedral ceilings right? But they don't necessarily feel good.

Coloring it up brought it down.

In context. It feels good out there now.

(The house is white, my cameral kind of greened it out in this light.)

We get a peak every morning as we climb the stairs. I love this view every time. When the ceiling was white, I never noticed. The blue looks pretty good doesn't it.
PA140976UpStairsToPorch Blue Ceiling

But now I'm thinking bluer.
P1010828-2010-05-01-St-Bartholomew-Episcopal-Church-Atlanta-Schola-PreDusk Blue Ceiling

This is Atlanta's St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church (by James (Rusty) Barber) where I attended "Lumen de lumine," by the Atlanta Schola Cantorum last night. It was an hour of emotional bliss. They sang renaissance polyphony beneath this blue ceiling. every song brought tears to my eyes.


Thanks to Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch.


  1. Yes, go more blue. Life is short.

    Recently painted interior ceilings. Why did I have them white for decades?

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  2. I agree with Tara. Try it out. After all, it's just paint and you can redo it next year if it doesn't click for you.

  3. Hey, I did try it out big time, 3 times. I love our blue ceilings. St. Bart's is a fellow traveler. But we're going for the pipe organ before we consider repainting.

  4. If you don't have it, you need "Beyond Chant," by Voices of Ascension. It's the best Renaissance polyphony I've run across. They take Sicut Cervus just a hair faster than Atlanta Schola Cantorum does.

    -Scurvy Oaks

  5. Ah, choral music sends me soaring every time. As I had mentioned in a past post, I truly believe music is what stirred the universe into being! There's a quote from Thomas Carlyle that touches on my feelings: "The meaning of song goes deep. Who is there that, in logical words, can express the effect music has on us? A kind of inarticulate, unfathomable speech which leads us to the edge of the infinite, and lets us for moments gaze into that!"

    As for blue ceilings, I feel the reason we love a blue canopy is inherent in our nature and infuses us with aliveness and well-being along with the color green which does the same(for me anyway).

  6. I love your blue ceiling. And you are oh so correct about the cathedral ceilings. The architect Sara Susanka has and awful story in one of her books about a family that hated their brand new home so much because they felt like ants in it that they moved out.

    My favorite blue ceiling is also in a church. It's in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Notre Dame, IN. Or that was my favorite until I saw the original church they copied it from in Rome, Santa Maria Sopra Minerva.

  7. I love "graceful sea", but you could go bolder - why not?


  8. Wow! Swooning over your porch ceiling!

  9. Terry, I really like it, I think on ceilings if you go too bold it really pulls it down.

    Art by Karena
