
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Atlanta bloggers meet Brad Heppner and...

Yesterday, three Atlanta bloggers met and toured: Claire Watkins from Clair Watkins Design is blogger High Gloss Blue, TTI is blogger Things That Inspire, and I gathered at the curb.

We met Atlanta Architect Brad Heppner ( Bradley E. Heppner Architecture, LLC.) and the gracious home owner, Mia, to tour a new house in my neighborhood. You'll see more of this house. I got emotional just walking in the front door. Touring with Brad, the owner, and the bloggers was a privilege. It helped me see and understand things I would have missed. I didn't want to leave.

After the home tour, I took Clair and TTI for a little car cruise to see a few of the notable homes in Atlanta's Morningside / Lenox Park Neighborhood. I made a map. If you are in the neighborhood, have a look.
Berkshire Heppner_ Crook_ Shutze_ Harrison Map
Thanks to Jim Crossley. His grandfather was Atlanta architect Lewis Edmund "Buck" Crook, Jr.. Jim's website will help you locate the many Crook and Ivey homes, churches, schools, and commercial buildings in Atlanta. There might be one in your neighborhood. There are 5 "Crooks" in mine.

Then I revealed the awful truth: I took Claire and TTI to my house to meet my JoAnn and tour our little chaos manor. Things will never be the same.

All this on the last day for our river birch. It was too small for 5 years, perfect for 2 years, overgrown for 13 years.

It was was lifting our driveway, and encroaching on our sewer line, and blocking our light. I'm going to miss it, but not too much.

Now I have a pile of birch logs, any ideas?

Thanks again to TTI, Claire, Brad, and Mia. What a wonderful day.



  1. Sounds like you guys had a great time. I can't wait to see the pics of Brad's home!!! -Cristi

  2. I wanted a way for all the Atlanta design bloggers to see it. I guess we'll have to wait for the movie.

  3. Will send you a pic of an idea for your logs......

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  4. I wish I had been there! Cut up the birch logs and store them in an unused fireplace, or in a beautiful basket next to the fireplace :) Happy snow day :)

  5. I heard about it through Claire! SOunds like a great day!!

  6. You forgot to mention that worms/caterpillars that used to love that tree...!

  7. Yes Katherine. Each summer little caterpillars ate about 1/5 of the leaves. The caterpillar and the tree seemed perfectly happy about.
