
Sunday, December 6, 2009

2 that burned this fall

I'm participating in Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch. Thanks to Susan! Not a nice metamorphosis now, but let's hope these come back. Few drive Whitefoord Avenue in Atlanta. It's a short cut for Architecture Tourists on the way to grandmas through the Edgewood neighborhood. It's hardly a street of high-style homes but it's very interesting and "sets my mind a wandering." This was the belle of the ball. Always meant to stop for some pictures, always thought there'd be another day. Whiteford-Burn-Street-North-Facade-Porches Now this. PB281998-2009-11-28-Whiteford-Ave-Fire-Porch-Triple-Arches Queen Ann, classic revival, greek revival, trglyphs and metopes, cross-gabled hipped roof, pretty metal fence, arbor, lived-in yard, overhangs, what windows ... Whiteford-Burn-Street-North-Facade-Porches-Detail-Triglyphs-Metope Words fail me. They don't do porches and windows like this. If you can bear it, there are more pictures in the slideshow below. PB281994-2009-11-28-Whiteford-Ave-Fire-East-Through-Arbored-Gate On the Druid Hills side, on the "good side of the tracks" Paideia School's "Mother Goose" burned. It's a re-purposed Druid Hills beauty, now in ruin. Goose-Birdseye-West-Facade PB281979-2009-11-28-Goose-Burned-Paideia-School-North-Facade Goose-Birdseye-NorthFacade PB281989-2009-11-28-Goose-Burned-Paideia-School-West-Porch PB281985-2009-11-28-Goose-Burned-Paideia-School-East-Inside-Flowerboxes
Whiteford Avenue parallels Moreland Avenue in the transitional Edgewood neighborhood. As with many Atlanta streets Whitefoord changes it's name at the tracks: Oxford in Druid Hills to the north, Whiteford in Edgewood to the south, leftovers from segregation. Edgewood is in the string of neighborhoods that begin east of downtown just south of the tracks with Cabbagetown, then Reynoldstown, Edgwood, Kirkwood, Eastlake, Oakgrove.
There is more in the slide-show but it's not fun: Let's hope they can restore these houses. Thanks, Terry Thanks to Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch.


  1. Will any attempt be made to recover/salvage parts of these structures?

  2. I'm guessing these will be rebuilt. The Goose is in an historic district and owned by an important school. The Whiteford house is still very special, even the lot is special. I hope it can come back.

  3. This is so sad, my heart broke when I learned about the house on Whiteford Ave. I really hope that all are rebuilt to their former state of beauty.

  4. Oh, that is sooooo sad. It breaks my heart. These homes are so beautiful. I hope they can be rebuilt and parts of them salvaged.

  5. It was really nice to meet and chat with you today. You can find our pictures of the progress at
    Please don't hesitate to contact us if we can fill in any gaps for your story

    Gerie Gilbert

  6. Ahem. As someone whose jobbing route takes him up this street regularly, it's "Whitefoord." Sorry to be so typologically pedantic. ;)
