
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Teardown Week 4

I'm participating in my 8th Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch! Welcome. This is where it started.

They started after lunch on Wednesday. It was down by dinner time.










Thanks to Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch.


  1. When I bought my first house across the street was a similar house built about the same time, early 1890s. It was probably close to 2500 sq ft. I went to work, came home about 6 pm and was sittin go my porch and something did not look right.

    OH MY GOSH, the house across the street was gone and all that was left was a newly grated lot! They just tore the whole thing down and filled in the basement. Gone..completely gone. All that history too, sort of sad!

  2. Will be interesting to see what goes up.

    The house I posted about apparently is in Va Highlands on Lanier Blvd... You can see pics on Facebook. I can't figure out exactly what is going on except that it seems new roof for existing structure and a large addition to the back. You'd probably know more!

  3. Whoa, I was NOT expecting that! Now I have to go back and do some more reading on this!

    I have a linky party going on, come on over and link up!

  4. Yikes--I didn't know that was going to happen!!

  5. All that living is gone in a day! Hard to believe. We call this progress too. I like what I see underneath however. Beautiful red Georgia clay!

  6. Oh my, I knew it was coming, and now it is done. And so it goes. Bittersweet.

  7. Boom- that's the noise I hear in my head. And the build begins...

  8. OMG! It's gone! I can't wait to see the building process!

  9. Well, golly, Terry, now I have that awful pit-of-the-stomach wrenching I always get when I see a house torn down.

    It is terrifying how quickly a house that sheltered a family can be reduced to useless rubble. We have not had that here lately, but two houses in our old neighborhood came down this way. I watched, because I couldn't turn away -- but hated it.

    Will there really be a big house built on that narrow lot? Good luck to the next door neighbors; they'll never grow tomatoes again with a McMansion blocking out the sun.

    I've been hoping that a positive reaction to our economic woes would be a return to houses on a human scale. I've seen houses built that I mistook for hotels.

    OK rant over... sorry! And we had a wonderful time visiting with Alida in CA -- I hate that she's so far away, but ... dem's the breaks.

  10. interested to see what they build

  11. I felt a sense of loss...all those years that people lived in this home, and now it is gone. I wonder if the person who built the home planned every single bit with care and attention, or whether it was a post-war special where it was crafted to serve a function.

    Bittersweet is an apt description.

    Now I am looking forward to seeing what comes next.

  12. It happens everyday in Houston. You won't find many historic buildings here.
    I appreciate the photographic history. Thanks for sharing.
