
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Use Colorsuckr to extract colors from web pictures

Thanks to this post from feed growth blog by Atlanta's Digital Scientists, I've learned about ColorSuckr. If you can find the URL of a picture, ColorSuckr will extract the colors and help you do a color scheme. It's a free web application.

I've used the stand-alone program "ColorSchemer" for years. It has been very valuable. The ColorSchmer website has boatloads of great palates.

Do you know about ColourLovers. It's more than I can handle.


  1. Fascinating! On my way to try it out now.

  2. This is a great tool! I can't wait to try it - thanks for sharing. Your whole blog is so inspiring! I love seeing the projects you've done around your house, which I saw that you mentioned was in Morningside. I love that neighborhood! If I could afford it, that's where I would want to live. Those old houses have so much more character than new ones. Maybe someday...

  3. Sounds really interesting - I'm off to check it out!
