
Sunday, July 19, 2009

My Kenneth Turner Candle from Cote de Texas has arrived

I commented on "Help Celebrate Cote de Texas' Second Birthday With A Giveaway!" And what do you know, I won: Cote de Texas' Second Anniversary Winners!" Thanks so much.


How about this autographed "Joni Webb" card?

Where to put it? I think it will migrate around the house. I'm almost looking forward to the next power outage to fire this baby up - almost. I think having some folks over for a little candlelight dinner would be better.


I'm not worthy but I am grateful for the candle and for Joni's Cote de Texas Blog.


  1. It is nice to see Joni's handwriting! It reminds me a bit of Princess Diana's. Does the candle have a scent?

  2. Hi Terry -
    I love this blog and the great photos. Thanks for coming by and commenting - I'm trying to get the hang of this blog thing and I'm so glad I met you!


  3. I can't quite determine the scent. It's not a waxy smell but not a strong scent. Have to give our girls a sniff. Many scented candles make us sneeze our brains out. We've got one of those on our back porch. No problems with this one.

  4. You are so lucky. I even love the box. Way to go!

  5. Just like Joni to make it so pretty too! Congrats Terry!

  6. Oh GOD - HOW EMBARRASSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I should have wrapped it!!!!!!
    Terry- the scent is original. Kenneth Turner's first. He is an amazing florist from London. His candles used to come in terracotta pots inside little wicker baskets that could be resued for a multitude of things. Now, they are in glass which is not as useful. But, it might be a nice vegetable dish? Anyway - fire it up - the scent is very different but distinctive. You won't find much that smells like it. Enjoy!!!

  7. Woo and Hooooo! Terry is a winner! Congratulations my friend. I'm sure you'll enjoy it all over your house! Lucky fella!

  8. My daughters came over today and said, "What's that?" They notice new stuff in our place and want to know everything about it. Do I live a dull life or what? Of course they picked up a Jaggers Pizza. So, we've got that going for us: Candle, Pizza, daughters (and son), maybe not so dull after all.

  9. Hi Terry!
    Thanks for visiting BCH. It's nice to meet you.
    (I was the other winner at CdT)Fun, Fun!!
    I have a lot of catching up to do here. I will definitely be back often.
    Oh yeah, didn't I read somewhere on here that the lucky 20th follower of your blog was going to win a Kenneth Turner candle??? That's me!

  10. Congrats! Now I'm curious about the scent!

  11. Very significant Information for us, I have think the representation of this Information is actually superb one. This is my first visit to your site. Kenneth turner candles
