
Sunday, May 21, 2017

Keeping Morrow Weird: Branch Library by Scogin, Elam, and Bray

It was my birthday and I am the Architecture Tourist after all. I was in Stockbridge, Google said it was only eight minutes to the Carol Cobb Turner Branch Library in Morrow by Scogin, Elam, and Bray.

First: The bottom lines.
  1. I salute places that are open to the public.
  2. You've just got to see this place. Pictures don't convey how strange-wonderful it is. 
  3. It's totally nutty on the outside. But when you walk in... 
  4. I like places that can accommodate a mess. And this place...
  5. Scogin, Elam, and Bray designed two more libraries in Clayton County.
  6. I'm thinking a Saturday morning road trip to see all three. Interested? 
  7. There's a Star Trek reference below.

So I went and I've been giggling ever since.

"This is the weirdest building I've ever seen." Prison worker emptying the trash 16 May 2017

"Do you ever get disoriented in here?" Terry 16 May 2017
"Yes!" Morrow Branch Library desk clerk 16 May 2017

"... the Talosians, who then allowed Captain Pike to see that her youthful beauty was an illusion. (Vina) explained she had nearly died in the crash and that the Talosians, who had never seen Humans, had had no guide in repairing her smashed body." Star Trek "The Menagerie, Part II" 24 November 1966

"Weird is what what we do." paraphrasing Merrill Elam (left) speaking about the new Austin Courthouse at Record on the Road - Atlanta 29 March 2017

“Morrow library could have been built for less.” 30 January 1992 The Clayton Sun

Then there's the alien spaceship pointing to the mother-ship.

20170516_103859 2017-05-16 Morrow Branch Library Carol Cobb Turner Branch Scogin n Elam n Bray 6225 Maddox Road Clayton County Georgia 1991 General Contractor Lusk and Associates
But also a human touch.

Road trip?

Let's visit one Saturday.