
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Terry's Tiny Tour: The View Outside from 85 Park Place, New Home To Georgia State's Law School

* Thanks to Sam Donaldson who gave Stuart Jackson and me a tour of 85 Park Place. Thanks Stuart for including me.

* You are probably wondering if I like it. Well...

* What our modernist designers do best, they did here: Walls of windows and a soaring atrium that slashes tall and deep into the building "bringing" the sunlight.

* Interior windows light interior rooms so claustrophobics can be somewhat at ease.

* Open spaces mean you'll see your fellow students and teachers and they will see you right back.

* A monumental floating stairway "brings" the diagonals.

* Two words: terrazzo floors.

* There aren't any cultural symbols inside 85 Park Place. I just can't imagine portraits of judges or alumni, certainly no Moses in there. Wouldn't it would ruin the minimalist effect?

* Attention artists: Y'all could do something bodacious in here. Please do.

* Fortunately the blandness of the finishes, the soaring atrium, hallway enfilades and glorious windows take the eye outside towards the Candler Building, the Flatiron and the Carnegie Buildings.

20151209_122504 2015-12-09 Candler Building from the Georgia State University and its College of Law 85 Park Place
* And you can go outside on the decks while you are inside.

IMG_20151209_123426 2015-12-09 Carnegie Building from the Georgia State University and its College of Law 85 Park Place carnegie building water tower
* I didn't know there was a water tower atop the Carnegie.

* I was too busy looking outside to capture the inside but I did take a couple of videos.

*Here's one from a stairway landing, I even caught the street car. This feels BIG CITY.

* And another from higher up.

* You are probably wondering if I like it. Would I enjoy going to school in a brand new building with a view and elevated decks? Well yeah. Thanks Sam and Stuart.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Terry's Tasty Traffic Calming Treats

I drove Peachtree Road yesterday and as usual nobody looked happy, not even the folks driving 50.

"Right now Peachtree Road is a highway, our most famous street is a lifeless, un-fun bore with some IMPORTANT looking buildings, and I don't feel safe driving on it." - me on Facebook.

I'm ready for a change and that change is "re-striping Peachtree." But I don't think we're going to get it. Traffic calming on Peachtree means reducing lanes. Intuition says that would slow traffic at least that's what my intuition said.

But as with so many things in my life, I've changed my mind. Here are some "traffic calming" projects that have improved my life.

This is Emory University's front door. They spent a bunch on the hardscape - it's Druid Hills after all - but they got it right. Used to be four lanes all the way on North Decatur with a giant intersection. You could go 50 though there if you caught the light right. Now it's just two lanes and we seem to zip right through. Emory students actually use the crosswalks which were formerly "cross-runs-for-you-lives."

2015-11-29 Ponce at Briarcliff and Moreland traffic calming diagram
This was a busy place with irritating, dangerous, unpredictable left turns onto Ponce. They removed two lanes and added a dedicated left turn lane. They just changed the stripes. It's still a busy place but now left turns are relatively dreamy. Bravo to the engineers.

2015-11-30 Morningside Rock Springs Crazy Combo Pelham Cumberland traffic calming
It was an adrenaline surge zone in my family's neighborhood. Two wide streets combined into a Formula One chicane and you could just fly while you rubbernecked over your shoulder. Now it's civilized and I don't miss the speed. You have to wait at the Piedmont or Highland stoplights anyway. But it wasn't perfect until they added the "best 4-way stop sight ever," which made my Kroger runs into pleasure rides.

2015-11-30 Monroe Drive beltline pedestrian crosswalk calming with signal
BeltLine interference that slows folks down and gets them home just as quick. One pedestrian can push the botton and stop traffic in midblock. Preposterous! Yet instead of stopping once for a long time, you might stop twice for a shorter time while calming the Monroe Drive drag strip. My Kroger runs require a right turn from Cumberland to Monroe. Now it's civilized.

20151130_1405372015-11-30 Monroe Drive beltline pedestrian crosswalk calming with signal
Here's a picture approaching the crosswalk from the south.

2015-11-30 Pitchers Mound Peachtree Circle at The Prado Ansely Park Traffic Calming
Ansley Park's new pitchers mound is thing all to itself. A circle on Ansley's giant streets must have been spiritual experience for the engineers. Unexpected soil and utility issues must have been a spiritual experience for budgeteers. Ansley has many more too-big intersections. I hope their circles are on hold.

20151130_152113 2015-11-30 Ansley Park Peachtree Circle traffic circle pitchers mound
The colossus of mound.

2015-11-30 Six Points Circle Rock Springs Pehlam Wildwood traffic calming Lenox Park
I think they ran out of money before they got the Fatt Matt Circle just right. Though it slows folks down a bit, folks just don't know how to use it. After a little experience a circle is obvious. This one isn't. The hardscape is too small giving drivers too much leeway.

20151130_153522 2015-11-30 Lenox Park traffic circle Rock Spring Pelham Wildwood
It's needs to be scaled like the Pitchers Mound. The landscaping is pretty though.

More later. Ponce de Leon is a whole 'nother traffic calming thing - which I mostly favor.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Terry's Tiny Tour: Triple-Arched Mid-Century 2520 Peachtree Rd. Before #teardown #preserveatl

I toured 2520 Peachtree Road  (1955) but my video isn't so hot. I want to try again.

In the meantime here's a two minute teaser video of the entrance, the hall, and a tiny bit of a condo.

By mid-2016 construction will begin on the new 23 story "2520 Peachtree."  Pay the old one a little respect before it's gone. If you know who developed, designed, or built it, I'd love to know.

Except for the arches it doesn't make much of an impression if you are going up Peachtree at 45.

20150608_150403 2015-06-08 Cantilevered arch portico 2520 Peachtree Rd teardown
I always thought it was a doctors' office, a nursing home or something.

When they announced the teardown, I took a look.

20150608_150513 2015-06-08 2520 Peachtree Rd teardown
I had no idea.

L-shaped apartments on central hall, three stories tall with parking underneath.

I toured the one it red, a two bedroom, two bath.

Here you go. The video has some music so beware.

Now you know.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Flux Night 2015 "Dream" Terry's Tiny Review and Big Video

I enjoyed Flux Night 2015: Dream. It wasn't like the others. It was smaller "acts" in a more legible place. More legible than Castleberry Flux Nights. You know what I mean about Castleberry? It's kind of a mystery to itself even if you are familiar with it. There was no disorienting mystery in the straightforward grid of Edgewood and Auburn Avenue. There was no squeezing together at Castleberry bottlenecks. I like it both ways.

And I've always complained about Flux, I couldn't see everything, sometimes I couldn't even take in a single "act," not in total. I didn't mind the 2014 hiatus. We tend to overdo everything. I was a bit wary abut the theme. I'm resistant to art with a message. I was worried about the rain too. And there was some good football on the tube.

The last thing I saw was "The Dream Lives" by Stephon Ferguson, excerpts from seven speeches by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it was drizzling but I don't think we cared.

So I didn't find any "huge" acts. The location itself wasn't a mystery. It was easy to get there and get around.

Kind of a let down at first. But I stayed with it, just hanging out. I saw everything twice, some three times. I ran into at least 50 people I know.

After about 90 minutes Flux had absorbed me. I found myself in a crowd of young ladies in choir robes. "What's going on?" "We're singing in 10 minutes." I walked with the choir.

The Parable is a performance in which a local African-American choir sings a new composition by Malik Gaines.

I was worn out by 11:30 but didn't want to leave so I didn't get to see everything or all of anything.

All the Flux's were running though my head and I was feeling good.

And I'm wondering about next year.

Here's a 15 minute video. You are probably in it. Music starts at about the 10 second mark.

The first thing you see is "Passage of Sankofa & Nkonsonkonson (a two-part installation)" by Jessica Scott-Felder. You can just spot Jessica in the blue jacket about 01:40.

See you next year.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Get Thee to Hapevile for Charm, Art, and a Community's Chance

Hapeville is not on the way but it's close by. You should visit. Maybe I can tease you down with a few pictures.

Hapeville is inside the perimeter. It has a compact and picturesque downtown. Its main street (Central Avenue) is just two lanes and somehow embraces the railroad. It has life long residents who love it.

I have family connections. JoAnn's uncle, great uncle, and cousins lived in Hapeville working at Ford and Delta. She lived with Earl and Mae for a summer. I courted her down there. I always liked it and her.

I visited last Saturday evening for the Hapeville Art's Alliance's Gallery Crawl, the unveiling of Katie Lebel's three new pieces for the depot, and "Fire Women" by Charmaine Minniefield in the depot gallery.

Dr. Samuel Hape (1830 - 1915). Portrait by Katie Label on the north side of the Depot now the home of the Hapeville Art Alliance Gallery. Dr. Hape founded Atlanta Dental in 1868 which is still in business today. He's buried in Oakland Cemetery.

Here's a little overview of the town, a 15 Second Video from the pedestrian bridge across the tracks:

The depot is a history museum and gallery.

Mayor Alan Hallman (on ladder) and Councilman Michael Randman unveil Katie's bandstand.

"Fire Women" by Charmaine Minniefield is on display in the depot through October 31.

Hapeville's not that big.

The beautiful Christ Church is now an event faculty.

Peek in to see the scissor beams.

IMG_1711 2014-09-06 1890 Hapeville Victorian getting painted Al and Tim detail 2
Find the 1890 Victorian with a fresh paint job. It's just a block south the depot on South Fulton Avenue.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Terry's Tiny Tips for Home Weddings - Wedding Bosses

I'm not saying it was the best home wedding ever. But I'm not saying it wasn't. 

This is my salute to the Wedding Bosses. Our friends and guests pitched in mightily. They didn't just attend the wedding, they made it special. And they did it in the rain.

Don't miss "Cake Bosses," the little video at the very end.

Jesse was Chief Umbrella Boss for the march down the aisle.

There was a lot of work to do.

20150105_122811 2015-01-05 Reeder Winter Sun
It's photogenic but a bit run down in the paint and landscape department. The Boss of All Wedding Bosses insisted we do some serious spiffing.

IMG_20150924_175208 2015-09-24 scaffold boss Spencer taking it down
Spencer is Scaffold Boss. We named our lawnmower, "The Spencer," in his honor.

IMG_20150913_104142 2015-09-13 DK Painting Reeder gable paint boss
David is Paint Boss, Glazing Boss, and Look After His Dad Boss.

20150920_114005 2015-09-20 Landscaping and Painting Reeder Rachel and Friend by Todd yard boss landscape boss
Todd and Emily are Yard Bosses. They recruited a team to rescue our exhausted front yard. It was like a barn raising. They joked and sang amusing songs. Now we have Emily's Garden and Todd's Garden. We are in the process of naming our trees after them: The Ben, The Mary Lou, The Wil.

IMG_20150920_133123 2015-09-20 Landscaping and Painting Reeder Rachel and Friend by Todd
They are all Bush Bosses. You may know that a cubic foot of soil weighs about 100 pounds. The bosses moved tons of our beloved clay.

The Groom is Tiller Boss AND Pressure Wash Boss.

20150922_185730 2015-09-22 Reeder Painting Michelle DK
They got it looking real good. Thanks to Paint Picker Boss, Helen Crawford.

IMG_20150921_132714 2015-09-21 Plumber McCary and Daughters
Of course every front yard wedding needs a broken water pipe in the front yard. Plumbing Boss: M. Cary and Daughters to the rescue with same day service.

IMG_8257 2015-09-25 wedding rehersal NV RK DK KK
Friday's Rehearsal Bosses at scene of bonding.

Wedding day was a whirlwind of loving friends who wanted to help.

IMG_20150926_113000  2015-09-26 Wedding RK NV wedding day candle boss
Candle Bosses.

IMG_20150926_134053  2015-09-26 Wedding RK NV wedding day table boss
Table Bosses.

IMG_20150926_123011  2015-09-26 Wedding RK NV wedding day ring
Nail Boss.

IMG_20150926_124024  2015-09-26 Wedding RK NV wedding day makeup boss Kristina Vancea
Makeup Boss, Kristina Vancea.

IMG_20150926_124513  2015-09-26 Wedding RK NV wedding day Hair boss Krista Stegall
Krista, Hair Boss.

IMG_20150926_132952  2015-09-26 Wedding RK NV wedding day jesse Paluch turf boxx dk
Did I mention the rain? Jesse, Umbrella Boss AND Turf Boss, saved the day.

IMG_20150926_134552  2015-09-26 Wedding RK NV wedding day ice boss Quincy John JK
Quincy and John: father-son Tub Boss Team.

IMG_20150926_143855 2015-09-26 NV RK wedding dress Abby Smith taking pictures
Abby Smith: Picture Boss

IMG_20150926_184648 2015-09-26 Wedding RK NV wedding day reception Abby Smith
Abby Smith: Picture Boss AND one of many Good Cheer Bosses.

Cake Bosses. We had 8 home made wedding cakes.

(Missing: Next Morning Breakfast Bosses: Syd, Debbie, and Debbie.)

I'm not saying it was the best home wedding ever. But I'm not saying it wasn't.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tiny Tour of Two Doomed to Demolition 1858 and 1950 - Still Here as of Tuesday

This is no fun. I take little detours to visit these, the maps are at the bottom of this post. They are still with us as of October 6, 2015.
Will they still be there tomorrow?  I'm paying them a little respect before they are gone.

I let folks know on Facebook and Instagram. Here are links to my pictures and videos for the record.

1385 Middlesex Avenue 30306 in Morningside. Built 1858. Moved from Woodville, Georgia to Atlanta in 1985.

The "difference" makes it a Morningside landmark that few outsiders have seen.

Maybe it still has a chance, maybe just some of the parts.

Demolition Watch One of Atlanta's Oldest Buildings Will Soon be No More by Michael Khan Curbed Atlanta 

One of Atlanta’s Oldest Homes Set for Demolition by Crystal Sturgeon Atlanta Agent Magazine

True Deliverance Church 1433 Watson Street, Atlanta in the Edgewood neighborhood. 1950 per Dekalb County property tax records.

It's one of 4 churches within a few blocks. This one is right on the street, pointed sideways, clinging to a hillside. Quite a sight in the winter from the valley to the east, a tributary Sugar Creek. I'm not sure if it will still be here when the leaves fall.

20150908_162012 2015-09-08 1385 MIDDLESEX AVE teardown Morningside before

Pictures 1385 Middlesex

Videos 1385 Middlesex

20151006_142540 2015-10-06  2015-06-22 True Deliverance Church 1433 Watson St NE Atlanta, GA  steepleatl steeple Edgewood teardown

Pictures: True Deliverance Church 1433 Watson St NE Atlanta
Videos: True Deliverance Church 1433 Watson St NE Atlanta

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Notch8 and Atlanta Contemporary: Two Atlanta Galleries on the Tracks

I think art is an "indicator species"  and indications are pretty good around here: A mature thriving gallery on the near west side and brand new soon to be thriving gallery in south Atlanta. Parts of the same scene I think.

The Atlanta Contemporary's long running "Art Party" fundraiser was on August 29.

Notch8 Gallery's second exhibition ever was on September 11. (You really have to be on Facebook to follow art around here.)

You probably haven't been to either: Great spaces all done up for shows. So...

I did a Terry's Tiny Art Show Video for each. I love they way they play together with 500 year old polyphony and modern ambient.

They play one after the other. You can just listen while you are doing email.

Great Space! Bravo Sharon Dennehy.

Terry's Tiny Tips for Art Shows.

1. Just go. They really appreciate your interest.
2. Don't try to "get" anything.
3. Enjoy the people. Most don't "get it" any better than you. Talk to them. Most are just as shy as you are.
4. Galleries have their own regulars who only see each other at shows. They are the ones talking in groups, nice folks who will know the answers to your questions, who can point out the artists.
5. Admire the craftsmanship even if you don't enjoy the art.
6. Look at everything 3 times. It's not always love at first sight. Imagine them in your place.
7. Be grateful if you find something you like or affects you.
8. Terry's special tip: Don't hog the artists. Help them meet everybody.

IMG_20150911_212109 2015-09-11 Josh Feigert at Notch8 Gallery Atlanta
This one by Josh Feigert "got me" from across the room. I haven't the slightest idea why. I could totally imagine this at my house. I wonder if I'd like it as much the second time.

Your results may vary.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Boss Chimney on Argonne in Buckhead designed by Historical Concepts

There's an estate house building boom in Buckhead: prestigious streets, teardowns, our finest architects and builders, whopper houses. The Boss is different. It's a terminated vista. You can see the chimney long before you can see the house.

Kind of busy at our place for the next month. But not too busy to show you Terry's Tiny Video of "Boss Chimney."

Boss Chimney is at the corner of Argonne and Pine Valley where you can see new homes designed by Stan Dixon, Frank Neely, Bobby McAlpine, and Terry Pylant (who designed "Boss Chimney" for Historical Concepts).

There are 3 double-flue Lutyens inspired boss chimneys on the house but this one is the "Boss of Bosses." It terminates the sight-line as you drive west on Argonne from Habersham.

Go see how Boss Chimney says, "Come Hither."


Saturday, August 29, 2015

787 Windsor and the Railroad Shops in Mechanicsville

It was love at first sight for me. Ric Geyer has bought it and he's going to do all those things we'd want him to do. Lucky us!

I first saw it during last year's Living Walls. It was like stumbling onto a forgotten temple in the forest. I showed Kelly Jordan a picture, he thought circa 1880.

I don't have words for 787 or for the whole railroad shop complex. Maybe I can tease you down there with a few pictures. It's pretty close to Turner Field. The map is at the bottom of this post, go see.

787 Windsor is a tiny part of the railroad shops that divide Mechanicsville from Pittsburgh, the shops that gave both neighborhoods their names.

2015-08-27 Mechanicsville and Pittsburgh Atlanta Neighborhoods NPU map

 20150809_122809 2015-08-09 BERKELE ST Mechanicsville SOUTHERN RAILWAY Atlanta
The south end of the shops is the location for The Walking Dead's Terminus.

IMG_7958 2015-08-09 787 Windsor St SW Atlanta gables bossgable mechanicsville Ric
Between Terminus at the south end and 787 at the north end are these stunning railroad shops.

20150809_123212 2015-08-09 BERKELE ST Mechanicsville SOUTHERN RAILWAY Atlanta

IMG_7963 2015-08-09 787 Windsor St SW Atlanta gables bossgable mechanicsville Ric

IMG_7969 2015-08-09 787 Windsor St SW Atlanta gables bossgable mechanicsville Ric

20150809_123208 2015-08-09 BERKELE ST Mechanicsville SOUTHERN RAILWAY Atlanta

20150809_123545 2015-08-09 BERKELE ST Mechanicsville SOUTHERN RAILWAY Atlanta

20150809_123541 2015-08-09 BERKELE ST Mechanicsville SOUTHERN RAILWAY Atlanta

20150809_123904 2015-08-09 787 Windsor St SW Atlanta gables bossgable mechanicsville Ric
Back to 787 Windsor.

IMG_2181 2014-09-13 Art Party Atlanta Contemporary Art Center ACAC Ric Geyer with my glasses
Here's Ric Geyer (rhymes with "flyer"). 

Go see before the crowds get there.